the fist chunks structure
following chunks structures
import mir.ndslice.chunks: chunks; import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; auto a = iota(10, 20).chunks!(0, 1)(3, 7); auto b = iota(20, 10).chunks!(1, 0)(3, 7); auto as = a; auto bs = b; as.popFront; bs.popFront; popFrontTuple(a, b); assert(as.slice == a.slice); assert(bs.slice == b.slice); assert(as.chunkLengths == a.chunkLengths); assert(bs.chunkLengths == b.chunkLengths);
Evaluates popFront!dimmensionIndex for multiple Chunks structures at once. All chunks structures must have for the appropriate dimension the same chunk lengths and the same underlying slice lengths.