1 /++
2 $(H1 Index-series)
4 The module contains $(LREF Series) data structure with special iteration and indexing methods.
5 It is aimed to construct index or time-series using Mir and Phobos algorithms.
7 Public_imports: $(MREF mir,ndslice,slice).
9 Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments
10 Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko
12 Macros:
13 NDSLICE = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP)
14 T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+))
15 +/
16 module mir.series;
18 public import mir.ndslice.slice;
19 public import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;
20 import mir.ndslice.iterator: IotaIterator;
21 import mir.ndslice.sorting: transitionIndex;
22 import mir.qualifier;
23 import std.traits;
25 /++
26 See_also: $(LREF unionSeries), $(LREF troykaSeries), $(LREF troykaGalop).
27 +/
28 @safe version(mir_test) unittest
29 {
30     import mir.ndslice;
31     import mir.series;
33     import mir.array.allocation: array;
34     import mir.algorithm.setops: multiwayUnion;
36     import mir.date: Date;
37     import core.lifetime: move;
38     import std.exception: collectExceptionMsg;
40     //////////////////////////////////////
41     // Constructs two time-series.
42     //////////////////////////////////////
43     auto index0 = [
44         Date(2017, 01, 01),
45         Date(2017, 03, 01),
46         Date(2017, 04, 01)];
48     auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
49     auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
51     auto index1 = [
52         Date(2017, 01, 01),
53         Date(2017, 02, 01),
54         Date(2017, 05, 01)];
56     auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
57     auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
59     //////////////////////////////////////
60     // asSlice method
61     //////////////////////////////////////
62     assert(series0
63         .asSlice
64         // ref qualifier is optional
65         .map!((ref key, ref value) => key.yearMonthDay.month == value)
66         .all);
68     //////////////////////////////////////
69     // get* methods
70     //////////////////////////////////////
72     auto refDate = Date(2017, 03, 01);
73     auto missingDate = Date(2016, 03, 01);
75     // default value
76     double defaultValue = 100;
77     assert(series0.get(refDate, defaultValue) == 3);
78     assert(series0.get(missingDate, defaultValue) == defaultValue);
80     // Exceptions handlers
81     assert(series0.get(refDate) == 3);
82     assert(series0.get(refDate, new Exception("My exception msg")) == 3);
83     assert(series0.getVerbose(refDate) == 3);
84     assert(series0.getExtraVerbose(refDate, "My exception msg") == 3);
86     assert(collectExceptionMsg!Exception(
87             series0.get(missingDate)
88         ) == "Series double[date]: Missing required key");
90     assert(collectExceptionMsg!Exception(
91             series0.get(missingDate, new Exception("My exception msg"))
92         ) == "My exception msg");
94     assert(collectExceptionMsg!Exception(
95             series0.getVerbose(missingDate)
96         ) == "Series double[date]: Missing 2016-03-01 key");
98     assert(collectExceptionMsg!Exception(
99             series0.getExtraVerbose(missingDate, "My exception msg")
100         ) == "My exception msg. Series double[date]: Missing 2016-03-01 key");
102     // assign with get*
103     series0.get(refDate) = 100;
104     assert(series0.get(refDate) == 100);
105     series0.get(refDate) = 3;
107     // tryGet
108     double val;
109     assert(series0.tryGet(refDate, val));
110     assert(val == 3);
111     assert(!series0.tryGet(missingDate, val));
112     assert(val == 3); // val was not changed
114     //////////////////////////////////////
115     // Merges multiple series into one.
116     // Allocates using GC. M
117     // Makes exactly two allocations per merge:
118     // one for index/time and one for data.
119     //////////////////////////////////////
120     auto m0 = unionSeries(series0, series1);
121     auto m1 = unionSeries(series1, series0); // order is matter
123     assert(m0.index == [
124         Date(2017, 01, 01),
125         Date(2017, 02, 01),
126         Date(2017, 03, 01),
127         Date(2017, 04, 01),
128         Date(2017, 05, 01)]);
130     assert(m0.index == m1.index);
131     assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
132     assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
134     //////////////////////////////////////
135     // Joins two time-series into a one with two columns.
136     //////////////////////////////////////
137     auto u = [index0, index1].multiwayUnion;
138     auto index = u.move.array;
139     auto data = slice!double([index.length, 2], 0); // initialized to 0 value
140     auto series = index.series(data);
142     series[0 .. $, 0][] = series0; // fill first column
143     series[0 .. $, 1][] = series1; // fill second column
145     assert(data == [
146         [1, 10],
147         [0, 20],
148         [3,  0],
149         [4,  0],
150         [0, 50]]);
151 }
153 ///
154 unittest{
156     import mir.series;
158     double[int] map;
159     map[1] = 4.0;
160     map[2] = 5.0;
161     map[4] = 6.0;
162     map[5] = 10.0;
163     map[10] = 11.0;
165     const s = series(map);
167     double value;
168     int key;
169     assert(s.tryGet(2, value) && value == 5.0);
170     assert(!s.tryGet(8, value));
172     assert(s.tryGetNext(2, value) && value == 5.0);
173     assert(s.tryGetPrev(2, value) && value == 5.0);
174     assert(s.tryGetNext(8, value) && value == 11.0);
175     assert(s.tryGetPrev(8, value) && value == 10.0);
176     assert(!s.tryGetFirst(8, 9, value));
177     assert(s.tryGetFirst(2, 10, value) && value == 5.0);
178     assert(s.tryGetLast(2, 10, value) && value == 11.0);
179     assert(s.tryGetLast(2, 8, value) && value == 10.0);
181     key = 2; assert(s.tryGetNextUpdateKey(key, value) && key == 2 && value == 5.0);
182     key = 2; assert(s.tryGetPrevUpdateKey(key, value) && key == 2 && value == 5.0);
183     key = 8; assert(s.tryGetNextUpdateKey(key, value) && key == 10 && value == 11.0);
184     key = 8; assert(s.tryGetPrevUpdateKey(key, value) && key == 5 && value == 10.0);
185     key = 2; assert(s.tryGetFirstUpdateLower(key, 10, value) && key == 2 && value == 5.0);
186     key = 10; assert(s.tryGetLastUpdateKey(2, key, value) && key == 10 && value == 11.0);
187     key = 8; assert(s.tryGetLastUpdateKey(2, key, value) && key == 5 && value == 10.0);
188 }
190 import mir.ndslice.slice;
191 import mir.ndslice.internal: is_Slice, isIndex;
192 import mir.math.common: optmath;
194 import std.meta;
196 @optmath:
198 /++
199 Plain index/time observation data structure.
200 Observation are used as return tuple for for indexing $(LREF Series).
201 +/
202 struct mir_observation(Index, Data)
203 {
204     /// Date, date-time, time, or index.
205     Index index;
206     /// An alias for time-series index.
207     alias time = index;
208     /// An alias for key-value representation.
209     alias key = index;
210     /// Value or ndslice.
211     Data data;
212     /// An alias for key-value representation.
213     alias value = data;
214 }
216 /// ditto
217 alias Observation = mir_observation;
219 /// Convenient function for $(LREF Observation) construction.
220 auto observation(Index, Data)(Index index, Data data)
221 {
222     alias R = mir_observation!(Index, Data);
223     return R(index, data);
224 }
226 /++
227 Convinient alias for 1D Contiguous $(LREF Series).
228 +/
229 alias SeriesMap(K, V) = mir_series!(K*, V*);
231 ///
232 version(mir_test) unittest
233 {
234     import std.traits;
235     import mir.series;
237     static assert (is(SeriesMap!(string, double) == Series!(string*, double*)));
239     /// LHS, RHS
240     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(string, double), SeriesMap!(string, double)));
241     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(string, double), typeof(null)));
243     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(const string, double), SeriesMap!(string, double)));
244     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(string, const double), SeriesMap!(string, double)));
245     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(const string, const double), SeriesMap!(string, double)));
247     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(immutable string, double), SeriesMap!(immutable string, double)));
248     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(immutable string, const double), SeriesMap!(immutable string, double)));
249     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(const string, const double), SeriesMap!(immutable string, double)));
250     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(string, immutable double), SeriesMap!(string, immutable double)));
251     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(const string, immutable double), SeriesMap!(string, immutable double)));
252     static assert (isAssignable!(SeriesMap!(const string, const double), SeriesMap!(string, immutable double)));
253     // etc
254 }
256 /++
257 Plain index series data structure.
259 `*.index[i]`/`*.key[i]`/`*.time` corresponds to `*.data[i]`/`*.value`.
261 Index is assumed to be sorted.
262 $(LREF sort) can be used to normalise a series.
263 +/
264 struct mir_series(IndexIterator_, Iterator_, size_t N_ = 1, SliceKind kind_ = Contiguous)
265 {
266     private enum doUnittest = is(typeof(this) == Series!(int*, double*));
268     ///
269     alias IndexIterator = IndexIterator_;
271     ///
272     alias Iterator = Iterator_;
274     ///
275     enum size_t N = N_;
277     ///
278     enum SliceKind kind = kind_;
280     ///
281     Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) _data;
283     ///
284     IndexIterator _index;
286     /// Index / Key / Time type aliases
287     alias Index = typeof(typeof(this).init.index.front);
288     /// ditto
289     alias Key = Index;
290     /// ditto
291     alias Time = Index;
292     /// Data / Value type aliases
293     alias Data = typeof(typeof(this).init.data.front);
294     /// ditto
295     alias Value = Data;
297     /// An alias for time-series index.
298     alias time = index;
299     /// An alias for key-value representation.
300     alias key = index;
301     /// An alias for key-value representation.
302     alias value = data;
304     private enum defaultMsg() = "Series " ~ Unqual!(this.Data).stringof ~ "[" ~ Unqual!(this.Index).stringof ~ "]: Missing";
305     private static immutable defaultExc() = new Exception(defaultMsg!() ~ " required key");
307 @optmath:
309     ///
310     this()(Slice!IndexIterator index, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) data)
311     {
312         assert(index.length == data.length, "Series constructor: index and data lengths must be equal.");
313         _data = data;
314         _index = index._iterator;
315     }
318     /// Construct from null
319     this(typeof(null))
320     {
321         _data = _data.init;
322         _index = _index.init;
323     }
325     ///
326     bool opEquals(RIndexIterator, RIterator, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind, )(Series!(RIndexIterator, RIterator, RN, rkind) rhs) const
327     {
328         return this.lightScopeIndex == rhs.lightScopeIndex && this._data.lightScope == rhs._data.lightScope;
329     }
331     /++
332     Index series is assumed to be sorted.
334     `IndexIterator` is an iterator on top of date, date-time, time, or numbers or user defined types with defined `opCmp`.
335     For example, `Date*`, `DateTime*`, `immutable(long)*`, `mir.ndslice.iterator.IotaIterator`.
336     +/
337     auto index()() @property @trusted
338     {
339         return _index.sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
340     }
342     /// ditto
343     auto index()() @property @trusted const
344     {
345         return _index.lightConst.sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
346     }
348     /// ditto
349     auto index()() @property @trusted immutable
350     {
351         return _index.lightImmutable.sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
352     }
354     private auto lightScopeIndex()() @property @trusted
355     {
356         return .lightScope(_index).sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
357     }
359     private auto lightScopeIndex()() @property @trusted const
360     {
361         return .lightScope(_index).sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
362     }
364     private auto lightScopeIndex()() @property @trusted immutable
365     {
366         return .lightScope(_index).sliced(_data._lengths[0]);
367     }
369     /++
370     Data is any ndslice with only one constraints,
371     `data` and `index` lengths should be equal.
372     +/
373     auto data()() @property @trusted
374     {
375         return _data;
376     }
378     /// ditto
379     auto data()() @property @trusted const
380     {
381         return _data[];
382     }
384     /// ditto
385     auto data()() @property @trusted immutable
386     {
387         return _data[];
388     }
390     ///
391     typeof(this) opBinary(string op : "~")(typeof(this) rhs)
392     {
393         return unionSeries(this.lightScope, rhs.lightScope);
394     }
396     /// ditto
397     auto opBinary(string op : "~")(const typeof(this) rhs) const
398     {
399         return unionSeries(this.lightScope, rhs.lightScope);
400     }
402     static if (doUnittest)
403     ///
404     @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
405     {
406         import mir.date: Date;
408         //////////////////////////////////////
409         // Constructs two time-series.
410         //////////////////////////////////////
411         auto index0 = [1,3,4];
412         auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
413         auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
415         auto index1 = [1,2,5];
416         auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
417         auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
419         //////////////////////////////////////
420         // Merges multiple series into one.
421         //////////////////////////////////////
422         // Order is matter.
423         // The first slice has higher priority.
424         auto m0 = series0 ~ series1;
425         auto m1 = series1 ~ series0;
427         assert(m0.index == m1.index);
428         assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
429         assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
430     }
432     static if (doUnittest)
433     @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
434     {
435         import mir.date: Date;
437         //////////////////////////////////////
438         // Constructs two time-series.
439         //////////////////////////////////////
440         auto index0 = [1,3,4];
441         auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
442         auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
444         auto index1 = [1,2,5];
445         auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
446         const series1 = index1.series(data1);
448         //////////////////////////////////////
449         // Merges multiple series into one.
450         //////////////////////////////////////
451         // Order is matter.
452         // The first slice has higher priority.
453         auto m0 = series0 ~ series1;
454         auto m1 = series1 ~ series0;
456         assert(m0.index == m1.index);
457         assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
458         assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
459     }
461     /++
462     Special `[] =` index-assign operator for index-series.
463     Assigns data from `r` with index intersection.
464     If a index index in `r` is not in the index index for this series, then no op-assign will take place.
465     This and r series are assumed to be sorted.
467     Params:
468         r = rvalue index-series
469     +/
470     void opIndexAssign(IndexIterator_, Iterator_, size_t N_, SliceKind kind_)
471         (Series!(IndexIterator_, Iterator_, N_, kind_) r)
472     {
473         opIndexOpAssign!("", IndexIterator_, Iterator_, N_, kind_)(r);
474     }
476     static if (doUnittest)
477     ///
478     version(mir_test) unittest
479     {
480         auto index = [1, 2, 3, 4];
481         auto data = [10.0, 10, 10, 10];
482         auto series = index.series(data);
484         auto rindex = [0, 2, 4, 5];
485         auto rdata = [1.0, 2, 3, 4];
486         auto rseries = rindex.series(rdata);
488         // series[] = rseries;
489         series[] = rseries;
490         assert(series.data == [10, 2, 10, 3]);
491     }
493     /++
494     Special `[] op=` index-op-assign operator for index-series.
495     Op-assigns data from `r` with index intersection.
496     If a index index in `r` is not in the index index for this series, then no op-assign will take place.
497     This and r series are assumed to be sorted.
499     Params:
500         rSeries = rvalue index-series
501     +/
502     void opIndexOpAssign(string op, IndexIterator_, Iterator_, size_t N_, SliceKind kind_)
503         (auto ref Series!(IndexIterator_, Iterator_, N_, kind_) rSeries)
504     {
505         auto l = this.lightScope;
506         auto r = rSeries.lightScope;
507         if (r.empty)
508             return;
509         if (l.empty)
510             return;
511         Unqual!(typeof(*r._index)) rf = *r._index;
512         Unqual!(typeof(*l._index)) lf = *l._index;
513         goto Begin;
514     R:
515         r.popFront;
516         if (r.empty)
517             goto End;
518         rf = *r._index;
519     Begin:
520         if (lf > rf)
521             goto R;
522         if (lf < rf)
523             goto L;
524     E:
525         static if (N != 1)
526             mixin("l.data.front[] " ~ op ~ "= r.data.front;");
527         else
528             mixin("l.data.front   " ~ op ~ "= r.data.front;");
530         r.popFront;
531         if (r.empty)
532             goto End;
533         rf = *r._index;
534     L:
535         l.popFront;
536         if (l.empty)
537             goto End;
538         lf = *l._index;
540         if (lf < rf)
541             goto L;
542         if (lf == rf)
543             goto E;
544         goto R;
545     End:
546     }
548     static if (doUnittest)
549     ///
550     version(mir_test) unittest
551     {
552         auto index = [1, 2, 3, 4];
553         auto data = [10.0, 10, 10, 10];
554         auto series = index.series(data);
556         auto rindex = [0, 2, 4, 5];
557         auto rdata = [1.0, 2, 3, 4];
558         auto rseries = rindex.series(rdata);
560         series[] += rseries;
561         assert(series.data == [10, 12, 10, 13]);
562     }
564     /++
565     This function uses a search with policy sp to find the largest left subrange on which
566     `t < key` is true for all `t`.
567     The search schedule and its complexity are documented in `std.range.SearchPolicy`.
568     +/
569     auto lowerBound(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key)
570     {
571         return opIndex(opSlice(0, lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key)));
572     }
574     /// ditto
575     auto lowerBound(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) const
576     {
577         return opIndex(opSlice(0, lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key)));
578     }
581     /++
582     This function uses a search with policy sp to find the largest right subrange on which
583     `t > key` is true for all `t`.
584     The search schedule and its complexity are documented in `std.range.SearchPolicy`.
585     +/
586     auto upperBound(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key)
587     {
588         return opIndex(opSlice(lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(key), length));
589     }
591     /// ditto
592     auto upperBound(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) const
593     {
594         return opIndex(opSlice(lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(key), length));
595     }
597     /**
598     Gets data for the index.
599     Params:
600         key = index
601         _default = default value is returned if the series does not contains the index.
602     Returns:
603         data that corresponds to the index or default value.
604     */
605     ref get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, return ref Value _default) @trusted
606         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
607     {
608         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
609         return idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key ? _data[idx] : _default;
610     }
612     /// ditto
613     ref get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, return ref Value _default) const
614         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
615     {
616         return this.lightScope.get(key, _default);
617     }
619     /// ditto
620     ref get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, return ref Value _default) immutable
621         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
622     {
623         return this.lightScope.get(key, _default);
624     }
626     auto get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, Value _default) @trusted
627         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
628     {
629         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
630         return idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key ? _data[idx] : _default;
631     }
633     /// ditto
634     auto get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, Value _default) const
635         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
636     {
637         import core.lifetime: forward;
638         return this.lightScope.get(key, forward!_default);
639     }
641     /// ditto
642     auto get(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, Value _default) immutable
643         if (!is(Value : const(Exception)))
644     {
645         import core.lifetime: forward;
646         return this.lightScope.get(key, forward!_default);
647     }
649     /**
650     Gets data for the index.
651     Params:
652         key = index
653         exc = (lazy, optional) exception to throw if the series does not contains the index.
654     Returns: data that corresponds to the index.
655     Throws:
656         Exception if the series does not contains the index.
657     See_also: $(LREF Series.getVerbose), $(LREF Series.tryGet)
658     */
659     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) @trusted
660     {
661         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
662         if (idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key)
663         {
664             return _data[idx];
665         }
666         throw defaultExc!();
667     }
669     /// ditto
670     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, lazy const Exception exc) @trusted
671     {
672         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
673         if (idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key)
674         {
675             return _data[idx];
676         }
677         throw exc;
678     }
680     /// ditto
681     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) const
682     {
683         return this.lightScope.get(key);
684     }
686     /// ditto
687     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, lazy const Exception exc) const
688     {
689         return this.lightScope.get(key, exc);
690     }
693     /// ditto
694     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) immutable
695     {
696         return this.lightScope.get(key);
697     }
699     /// ditto
700     auto ref get(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, lazy const Exception exc) immutable
701     {
702         return this.lightScope.get(key, exc);
703     }
705     /**
706     Gets data for the index (verbose exception).
707     Params:
708         key = index
709     Returns: data that corresponds to the index.
710     Throws:
711         Detailed exception if the series does not contains the index.
712     See_also: $(LREF Series.get), $(LREF Series.tryGet)
713     */
714     auto ref getVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
715     {
716         import std.format: format;
717         return this.get(key, new Exception(format("%s %s key", defaultMsg!(), key), file, line));
718     }
720     /// ditto
721     auto ref getVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__) const
722     {
723         return this.lightScope.getVerbose(key, file, line);
724     }
726     /// ditto
727     auto ref getVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__) immutable
728     {
729         return this.lightScope.getVerbose(key, file, line);
730     }
732     /**
733     Gets data for the index (extra verbose exception).
734     Params:
735         key = index
736     Returns: data that corresponds to the index.
737     Throws:
738         Detailed exception if the series does not contains the index.
739     See_also: $(LREF Series.get), $(LREF Series.tryGet)
740     */
741     auto ref getExtraVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string exceptionInto, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
742     {
743         import std.format: format;
744         return this.get(key, new Exception(format("%s. %s %s key", exceptionInto, defaultMsg!(), key), file, line));
745     }
747     /// ditto
748     auto ref getExtraVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string exceptionInto, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__) const
749     {
750         return this.lightScope.getExtraVerbose(key, exceptionInto, file, line);
751     }
753     /// ditto
754     auto ref getExtraVerbose(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key, string exceptionInto, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__) immutable
755     {
756         return this.lightScope.getExtraVerbose(key, exceptionInto, file, line);
757     }
759     ///
760     bool contains(Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) const @trusted
761     {
762         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
763         return idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key;
764     }
766     ///
767     auto opBinaryRight(string op : "in", Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) @trusted
768     {
769         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
770         bool cond = idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key;
771         static if (__traits(compiles, &_data[size_t.init]))
772         {
773             if (cond)
774                 return &_data[idx];
775             return null;
776         }
777         else
778         {
779             return bool(cond);
780         }
781     }
783     /// ditto
784     auto opBinaryRight(string op : "in", Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) const
785     {
786         auto val = key in this.lightScope;
787         return val;
788     }
790     /// ditto
791     auto opBinaryRight(string op : "in", Index)(auto ref scope const Index key) immutable
792     {
793         auto val = key in this.lightScope;
794         return val;
795     }
797     /++
798     Tries to get the first value, such that `key_i == key`.
800     Returns: `true` on success.
801     +/
802     bool tryGet(Index, Value)(Index key, scope ref Value val) @trusted
803     {
804         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
805         auto cond = idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] == key;
806         if (cond)
807             val = _data[idx];
808         return cond;
809     }
811     /// ditto
812     bool tryGet(Index, Value)(Index key, scope ref Value val) const
813     {
814         return this.lightScope.tryGet(key, val);
815     }
817     /// ditto
818     bool tryGet(Index, Value)(Index key, scope ref Value val) immutable
819     {
820         return this.lightScope.tryGet(key, val);
821     }
823     /++
824     Tries to get the first value, such that `key_i >= key`.
826     Returns: `true` on success.
827     +/
828     bool tryGetNext(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val)
829     {
830         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
831         auto cond = idx < _data._lengths[0];
832         if (cond)
833             val = _data[idx];
834         return cond;
835     }
837     /// ditto
838     bool tryGetNext(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val) const
839     {
840         return this.lightScope.tryGetNext(key, val);
841     }
843     /// ditto
844     bool tryGetNext(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val) immutable
845     {
846         return this.lightScope.tryGetNext(key, val);
847     }
849     /++
850     Tries to get the first value, such that `key_i >= key`.
851     Updates `key` with `key_i`.
853     Returns: `true` on success.
854     +/
855     bool tryGetNextUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) @trusted
856     {
857         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
858         auto cond = idx < _data._lengths[0];
859         if (cond)
860         {
861             key = _index[idx];
862             val = _data[idx];
863         }
864         return cond;
865     }
867     /// ditto
868     bool tryGetNextUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) const
869     {
870         return this.lightScope.tryGetNextUpdateKey(key, val);
871     }
873     /// ditto
874     bool tryGetNextUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) immutable
875     {
876         return this.lightScope.tryGetNextUpdateKey(key, val);
877     }
879     /++
880     Tries to get the last value, such that `key_i <= key`.
882     Returns: `true` on success.
883     +/
884     bool tryGetPrev(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val)
885     {
886         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(key) - 1;
887         auto cond = 0 <= sizediff_t(idx);
888         if (cond)
889             val = _data[idx];
890         return cond;
891     }
893     /// ditto
894     bool tryGetPrev(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val) const
895     {
896         return this.lightScope.tryGetPrev(key, val);
897     }
899     /// ditto
900     bool tryGetPrev(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index key, scope ref Value val) immutable
901     {
902         return this.lightScope.tryGetPrev(key, val);
903     }
905     /++
906     Tries to get the last value, such that `key_i <= key`.
907     Updates `key` with `key_i`.
909     Returns: `true` on success.
910     +/
911     bool tryGetPrevUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) @trusted
912     {
913         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(key) - 1;
914         auto cond = 0 <= sizediff_t(idx);
915         if (cond)
916         {
917             key = _index[idx];
918             val = _data[idx];
919         }
920         return cond;
921     }
923     /// ditto
924     bool tryGetPrevUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) const
925     {
926         return this.lightScope.tryGetPrevUpdateKey(key, val);
927     }
929     /// ditto
930     bool tryGetPrevUpdateKey(Index, Value)(scope ref Index key, scope ref Value val) immutable
931     {
932         return this.lightScope.tryGetPrevUpdateKey(key, val);
933     }
935     /++
936     Tries to get the first value, such that `lowerBound <= key_i <= upperBound`.
938     Returns: `true` on success.
939     +/
940     bool tryGetFirst(Index, Value)(auto ref scope const Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) @trusted
941     {
942         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(lowerBound);
943         auto cond = idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] <= upperBound;
944         if (cond)
945             val = _data[idx];
946         return cond;
947     }
949     /// ditto
950     bool tryGetFirst(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) const
951     {
952         return this.lightScope.tryGetFirst(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
953     }
955     /// ditto
956     bool tryGetFirst(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) immutable
957     {
958         return this.lightScope.tryGetFirst(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
959     }
961     /++
962     Tries to get the first value, such that `lowerBound <= key_i <= upperBound`.
963     Updates `lowerBound` with `key_i`.
965     Returns: `true` on success.
966     +/
967     bool tryGetFirstUpdateLower(Index, Value)(ref Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) @trusted
968     {
969         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(lowerBound);
970         auto cond = idx < _data._lengths[0] && _index[idx] <= upperBound;
971         if (cond)
972         {
973             lowerBound = _index[idx];
974             val = _data[idx];
975         }
976         return cond;
977     }
979     /// ditto
980     bool tryGetFirstUpdateLower(Index, Value)(ref Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) const
981     {
982         return this.lightScope.tryGetFirstUpdateLower(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
983     }
985     /// ditto
986     bool tryGetFirstUpdateLower(Index, Value)(ref Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) immutable
987     {
988         return this.lightScope.tryGetFirstUpdateLower(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
989     }
991     /++
992     Tries to get the last value, such that `lowerBound <= key_i <= upperBound`.
994     Returns: `true` on success.
995     +/
996     bool tryGetLast(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) @trusted
997     {
998         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(upperBound) - 1;
999         auto cond = 0 <= sizediff_t(idx) && _index[idx] >= lowerBound;
1000         if (cond)
1001             val = _data[idx];
1002         return cond;
1003     }
1005     /// ditto
1006     bool tryGetLast(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) const
1007     {
1008         return this.lightScope.tryGetLast(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
1009     }
1011     /// ditto
1012     bool tryGetLast(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, auto ref scope const Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) immutable
1013     {
1014         return this.lightScope.tryGetLast(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
1015     }
1017     /++
1018     Tries to get the last value, such that `lowerBound <= key_i <= upperBound`.
1019     Updates `upperBound` with `key_i`.
1021     Returns: `true` on success.
1022     +/
1023     bool tryGetLastUpdateKey(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, ref Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) @trusted
1024     {
1025         size_t idx = lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex!"a <= b"(upperBound) - 1;
1026         auto cond = 0 <= sizediff_t(idx) && _index[idx] >= lowerBound;
1027         if (cond)
1028         {
1029             upperBound = _index[idx];
1030             val = _data[idx];
1031         }
1032         return cond;
1033     }
1035     /// ditto
1036     bool tryGetLastUpdateKey(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, ref Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) const
1037     {
1038         return this.lightScope.tryGetLastUpdateKey(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
1039     }
1041     /// ditto
1042     bool tryGetLastUpdateKey(Index, Value)(Index lowerBound, ref Index upperBound, scope ref Value val) immutable
1043     {
1044         return this.lightScope.tryGetLastUpdateKey(lowerBound, upperBound, val);
1045     }
1047     /++
1048     Returns:
1049         1D Slice with creared with $(NDSLICE topology, zip) ([0] - key, [1] - value).
1050     See_also:
1051         $(NDSLICE topology, map) uses multiargument lambdas to handle zipped slices.
1052     +/
1053     auto asSlice()() @property
1054     {
1055         import mir.ndslice.topology: zip, map, ipack;
1056         static if (N == 1)
1057             return index.zip(data);
1058         else
1059             return index.zip(data.ipack!1.map!"a");
1060     }
1062     /// ditto
1063     auto asSlice()() const @property
1064     {
1065         return opIndex.asSlice;
1066     }
1068     /// ditto
1069     auto asSlice()() immutable @property
1070     {
1071         return opIndex.asSlice;
1072     }
1074     /// ndslice-like primitives
1075     bool empty(size_t dimension = 0)() const @property
1076         if (dimension < N)
1077     {
1078         return !length!dimension;
1079     }
1081     /// ditto
1082     size_t length(size_t dimension = 0)() const @property
1083         if (dimension < N)
1084     {
1085         return _data.length!dimension;
1086     }
1088     /// ditto
1089     auto front(size_t dimension = 0)() @property
1090         if (dimension < N)
1091     {
1092         assert(!empty!dimension);
1093         static if (dimension)
1094         {
1095             return index.series(data.front!dimension);
1096         }
1097         else
1098         {
1099             return Observation!(Index, Data)(index.front, data.front);
1100         }
1101     }
1103     /// ditto
1104     auto back(size_t dimension = 0)() @property
1105         if (dimension < N)
1106     {
1107         assert(!empty!dimension);
1108         static if (dimension)
1109         {
1110             return index.series(_data.back!dimension);
1111         }
1112         else
1113         {
1114             return index.back.observation(_data.back);
1115         }
1116     }
1118     /// ditto
1119     void popFront(size_t dimension = 0)() @trusted
1120         if (dimension < N)
1121     {
1122         assert(!empty!dimension);
1123         static if (dimension == 0)
1124             _index++;
1125         _data.popFront!dimension;
1126     }
1128     /// ditto
1129     void popBack(size_t dimension = 0)()
1130         if (dimension < N)
1131     {
1132         assert(!empty!dimension);
1133         _data.popBack!dimension;
1134     }
1136     /// ditto
1137     void popFrontExactly(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n) @trusted
1138         if (dimension < N)
1139     {
1140         assert(length!dimension >= n);
1141         static if (dimension == 0)
1142             _index += n;
1143         _data.popFrontExactly!dimension(n);
1144     }
1146     /// ditto
1147     void popBackExactly(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n)
1148         if (dimension < N)
1149     {
1150         assert(length!dimension >= n);
1151         _data.popBackExactly!dimension(n);
1152     }
1154     /// ditto
1155     void popFrontN(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n)
1156         if (dimension < N)
1157     {
1158         auto len = length!dimension;
1159         n = n <= len ? n : len;
1160         popFrontExactly!dimension(n);
1161     }
1163     /// ditto
1164     void popBackN(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n)
1165         if (dimension < N)
1166     {
1167         auto len = length!dimension;
1168         n = n <= len ? n : len;
1169         popBackExactly!dimension(n);
1170     }
1172     /// ditto
1173     Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t) opSlice(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t i, size_t j) const
1174         if (dimension < N)
1175     in
1176     {
1177         assert(i <= j,
1178             "Series.opSlice!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ ": the left opSlice boundary must be less than or equal to the right bound.");
1179         enum errorMsg = ": difference between the right and the left bounds"
1180                         ~ " must be less than or equal to the length of the given dimension.";
1181         assert(j - i <= _data._lengths[dimension],
1182               "Series.opSlice!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ errorMsg);
1183     }
1184     do
1185     {
1186         return typeof(return)(j - i, typeof(return).Iterator(i));
1187     }
1189     /// ditto
1190     size_t opDollar(size_t dimension = 0)() const
1191     {
1192         return _data.opDollar!dimension;
1193     }
1195     /// ditto
1196     auto opIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices)
1197         if (allSatisfy!(templateOr!(is_Slice, isIndex), Slices))
1198     {
1199         static if (Slices.length == 0)
1200         {
1201             return this;
1202         }
1203         else
1204         static if (is_Slice!(Slices[0]))
1205         {
1206             return index[slices[0]].series(data[slices]);
1207         }
1208         else
1209         {
1210             return index[slices[0]].observation(data[slices]);
1211         }
1212     }
1214     /// ditto
1215     auto opIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices) const
1216         if (allSatisfy!(templateOr!(is_Slice, isIndex), Slices))
1217     {
1218         return lightConst.opIndex(slices);
1219     }
1221     /// ditto
1222     auto opIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices) immutable
1223         if (allSatisfy!(templateOr!(is_Slice, isIndex), Slices))
1224     {
1225         return lightImmutable.opIndex(slices);
1226     }
1228     ///
1229     ref opAssign(typeof(this) rvalue) return @trusted
1230     {
1231         import mir.utility: swap;
1232         this._data._structure = rvalue._data._structure;
1233         swap(this._data._iterator, rvalue._data._iterator);
1234         swap(this._index, rvalue._index);
1235         return this;
1236     }
1238     /// ditto
1239     ref opAssign(RIndexIterator, RIterator)(Series!(RIndexIterator, RIterator, N, kind) rvalue) return
1240         if (isAssignable!(IndexIterator, RIndexIterator) && isAssignable!(Iterator, RIterator))
1241     {
1242         import core.lifetime: move;
1243         this._data._structure = rvalue._data._structure;
1244         this._data._iterator = rvalue._data._iterator.move;
1245         this._index = rvalue._index.move;
1246         return this;
1247     }
1249     /// ditto
1250     ref opAssign(RIndexIterator, RIterator)(auto ref const Series!(RIndexIterator, RIterator, N, kind) rvalue) return
1251         if (isAssignable!(IndexIterator, LightConstOf!RIndexIterator) && isAssignable!(Iterator, LightConstOf!RIterator))
1252     {
1253         return this = rvalue.opIndex;
1254     }
1256     /// ditto
1257     ref opAssign(RIndexIterator, RIterator)(auto ref immutable Series!(RIndexIterator, RIterator, N, kind) rvalue) return
1258         if (isAssignable!(IndexIterator, LightImmutableOf!RIndexIterator) && isAssignable!(Iterator, LightImmutableOf!RIterator))
1259     {
1260         return this = rvalue.opIndex;
1261     }
1263     /// ditto
1264     ref opAssign(typeof(null)) return
1265     {
1266         return this = this.init;
1267     }
1269     /// ditto
1270     auto save()() @property
1271     {
1272         return this;
1273     }
1275     ///
1276     Series!(LightScopeOf!IndexIterator, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind) lightScope()() @trusted @property
1277     {
1278         return typeof(return)(lightScopeIndex, _data.lightScope);
1279     }
1281     /// ditto
1282     Series!(LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!IndexIterator), LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator), N, kind) lightScope()() @trusted const @property
1283     {
1284         return typeof(return)(lightScopeIndex, _data.lightScope);
1285     }
1287     /// ditto
1288     Series!(LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!IndexIterator), LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator), N, kind) lightScope()() @trusted immutable @property
1289     {
1290         return typeof(return)(lightScopeIndex, _data.lightScope);
1291     }
1293     ///
1294     Series!(LightConstOf!IndexIterator, LightConstOf!Iterator, N, kind) lightConst()() const @property @trusted
1295     {
1296         return index.series(data);
1297     }
1299     ///
1300     Series!(LightImmutableOf!IndexIterator, LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind) lightImmutable()() immutable @property @trusted
1301     {
1302         return index.series(data);
1303     }
1305     ///
1306     auto toConst()() const @property
1307     {
1308         return index.toConst.series(data.toConst);
1309     }
1311     ///
1312     void toString(Writer, Spec)(auto ref Writer w, const ref Spec f) const
1313     {
1314         import std.format: formatValue, formatElement;
1315         import std.range: put;
1317         if (f.spec != 's' && f.spec != '(')
1318             throw new Exception("incompatible format character for Mir Series argument: %" ~ f.spec);
1320         enum defSpec = "%s" ~ f.keySeparator ~ "%s" ~ f.seqSeparator;
1321         auto fmtSpec = f.spec == '(' ? f.nested : defSpec;
1323         if (f.spec == 's')
1324             put(w, f.seqBefore);
1325         if (length) for (size_t i = 0;;)
1326         {
1327             auto fmt = Spec(fmtSpec);
1328             fmt.writeUpToNextSpec(w);
1329             if (f.flDash)
1330             {
1331                 formatValue(w, index[i], fmt);
1332                 fmt.writeUpToNextSpec(w);
1333                 formatValue(w, data[i], fmt);
1334             }
1335             else
1336             {
1337                 formatElement(w, index[i], fmt);
1338                 fmt.writeUpToNextSpec(w);
1339                 formatElement(w, data[i], fmt);
1340             }
1341             if (f.sep !is null)
1342             {
1343                 fmt.writeUpToNextSpec(w);
1344                 if (++i != length)
1345                     put(w, f.sep);
1346                 else
1347                     break;
1348             }
1349             else
1350             {
1351                 if (++i != length)
1352                     fmt.writeUpToNextSpec(w);
1353                 else
1354                     break;
1355             }
1356         }
1357         if (f.spec == 's')
1358             put(w, f.seqAfter);
1359     }
1361     version(mir_test)
1362     ///
1363     unittest
1364     {
1365         import mir.series: series, sort;
1366         auto s = ["b", "a"].series([9, 8]).sort;
1368         import std.conv : to;
1369         assert(s.to!string == `["a":8, "b":9]`);
1371         import std.format : format;
1372         assert("%s".format(s) == `["a":8, "b":9]`);
1373         assert("%(%s %s | %)".format(s) == `"a" 8 | "b" 9`);
1374         assert("%-(%s,%s\n%)\n".format(s) == "a,8\nb,9\n");
1375     }
1376 }
1378 /// ditto
1379 alias Series = mir_series;
1381 /// 1-dimensional data
1382 @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest
1383 {
1384     auto index = [1, 2, 3, 4];
1385     auto data = [2.1, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8];
1386     auto series = index.series(data);
1387     const cseries = series;
1389     assert(series.contains(2));
1390     assert( ()@trusted{ return (2 in series) is &data[1]; }() );
1392     assert(!series.contains(5));
1393     assert( ()@trusted{ return (5 in series) is null; }() );
1395     assert(series.lowerBound(2) == series[0 .. 1]);
1396     assert(series.upperBound(2) == series[2 .. $]);
1398     assert(cseries.lowerBound(2) == cseries[0 .. 1]);
1399     assert(cseries.upperBound(2) == cseries[2 .. $]);
1401     // slicing type deduction for const / immutable series
1402     static assert(is(typeof(series[]) ==
1403         Series!(int*, double*)));
1404     static assert(is(typeof(cseries[]) ==
1405         Series!(const(int)*, const(double)*)));
1406     static assert(is(typeof((cast(immutable) series)[]) ==
1407         Series!(immutable(int)*, immutable(double)*)));
1409     /// slicing
1410     auto seriesSlice  = series[1 .. $ - 1];
1411     assert(seriesSlice.index == index[1 .. $ - 1]);
1412     assert(seriesSlice.data == data[1 .. $ - 1]);
1413     static assert(is(typeof(series) == typeof(seriesSlice)));
1415     /// indexing
1416     assert(series[1] == observation(2, 3.4));
1418     /// range primitives
1419     assert(series.length == 4);
1420     assert(series.front == observation(1, 2.1));
1422     series.popFront;
1423     assert(series.front == observation(2, 3.4));
1425     series.popBackN(10);
1426     assert(series.empty);
1427 }
1429 /// 2-dimensional data
1430 @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest
1431 {
1432     import mir.date: Date;
1433     import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical, iota;
1435     size_t row_length = 5;
1437     auto index = [
1438         Date(2017, 01, 01),
1439         Date(2017, 02, 01),
1440         Date(2017, 03, 01),
1441         Date(2017, 04, 01)];
1443     //  1,  2,  3,  4,  5
1444     //  6,  7,  8,  9, 10
1445     // 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
1446     // 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
1447     auto data = iota!int([index.length, row_length], 1);
1449     // canonical and universal ndslices are more flexible then contiguous
1450     auto series = index.series(data.canonical);
1452     /// slicing
1453     auto seriesSlice  = series[1 .. $ - 1, 2 .. 4];
1454     assert(seriesSlice.index == index[1 .. $ - 1]);
1455     assert(seriesSlice.data == data[1 .. $ - 1, 2 .. 4]);
1457     static if (kindOf!(typeof(series.data)) != Contiguous)
1458         static assert(is(typeof(series) == typeof(seriesSlice)));
1460     /// indexing
1461     assert(series[1, 4] == observation(Date(2017, 02, 01), 10));
1462     assert(series[2] == observation(Date(2017, 03, 01), iota!int([row_length], 11)));
1464     /// range primitives
1465     assert(series.length == 4);
1466     assert(series.length!1 == 5);
1468     series.popFront!1;
1469     assert(series.length!1 == 4);
1470 }
1472 /// Construct from null
1473 @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest
1474 {
1475     import mir.series;
1476     alias Map = Series!(string*, double*);
1477     Map a = null;
1478     auto b = Map(null);
1479     assert(a.empty);
1480     assert(b.empty);
1482     auto fun(Map a = null)
1483     {
1485     }
1486 }
1488 /++
1489 Convenient function for $(LREF Series) construction.
1490 See_also: $(LREF assocArray)
1491 Attention:
1492     This overloads do not sort the data.
1493     User should call $(LREF directly) if index was not sorted.
1494 +/
1495 auto series(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)
1496     (
1497         Slice!IndexIterator index,
1498         Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) data,
1499     )
1500 {
1501     assert(index.length == data.length);
1502     return Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)(index, data);
1503 }
1505 /// ditto
1506 auto series(Index, Data)(Index[] index, Data[] data)
1507 {
1508     assert(index.length == data.length);
1509     return .series(index.sliced, data.sliced);
1510 }
1512 /// ditto
1513 auto series(IndexIterator, Data)(Slice!IndexIterator index, Data[] data)
1514 {
1515     assert(index.length == data.length);
1516     return .series(index, data.sliced);
1517 }
1519 /// ditto
1520 auto series(Index, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Index[] index, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) data)
1521 {
1522     assert(index.length == data.length);
1523     return .series(index.sliced, data);
1524 }
1526 /**
1527 Constructs a GC-allocated series from an associative array.
1528 Performs exactly two allocations.
1530 Params:
1531     aa = associative array or a pointer to associative array
1532 Returns:
1533     sorted GC-allocated series.
1534 See_also: $(LREF assocArray)
1535 */
1536 Series!(K*, V*) series(RK, RV, K = RK, V = RV)(RV[RK] aa)
1537     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1538 {
1539     import mir.conv: to;
1540     const size_t length = aa.length;
1541     alias R = typeof(return);
1542     if (__ctfe)
1543     {
1544         K[] keys;
1545         V[] values;
1546         foreach(ref kv; aa.byKeyValue)
1547         {
1548             keys ~= kv.key.to!K;
1549             values ~= kv.value.to!V;
1550         }
1551         auto ret = series(keys, values);
1552         .sort((()@trusted=>cast(Series!(Unqual!K*, Unqual!V*))ret)());
1553         static if (is(typeof(ret) == typeof(return)))
1554             return ret;
1555         else
1556             return ()@trusted{ return *cast(R*) &ret; }();
1557     }
1558     import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice;
1559     Series!(Unqual!K*, Unqual!V*) ret = series(length.uninitSlice!(Unqual!K), length.uninitSlice!(Unqual!V));
1560     auto it = ret;
1561     foreach(ref kv; aa.byKeyValue)
1562     {
1563         import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
1564         emplaceRef!K(it.index.front, kv.key.to!K);
1565         emplaceRef!V(it._data.front, kv.value.to!V);
1566         it.popFront;
1567     }
1568     .sort(ret);
1569     static if (is(typeof(ret) == typeof(return)))
1570         return ret;
1571     else
1572         return ()@trusted{ return *cast(R*) &ret; }();
1573 }
1575 /// ditto
1576 Series!(RK*, RV*) series(K, V, RK = const K, RV = const V)(const V[K] aa)
1577     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1578 {
1579     return .series!(K, V, RK, RV)((()@trusted => cast(V[K]) aa)());
1580 }
1582 /// ditto
1583 Series!(RK*, RV*)  series( K, V, RK = immutable K, RV = immutable V)(immutable V[K] aa)
1584     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1585 {
1586     return .series!(K, V, RK, RV)((()@trusted => cast(V[K]) aa)());
1587 }
1589 /// ditto
1590 auto series(K, V)(V[K]* aa)
1591     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1592 {
1593     return series(*a);
1594 }
1596 ///
1597 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1598 {
1599     auto s = [1: 1.5, 3: 3.3, 2: 20.9].series;
1600     assert(s.index == [1, 2, 3]);
1601     assert(s.data == [1.5, 20.9, 3.3]);
1602     assert(s.data[s.findIndex(2)] == 20.9);
1603 }
1605 pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1606 {
1607     immutable aa = [1: 1.5, 3: 3.3, 2: 2.9];
1608     auto s = aa.series;
1609     s = cast() s;
1610     s = cast(const) s;
1611     s = cast(immutable) s;
1612     s = s;
1613     assert(s.index == [1, 2, 3]);
1614     assert(s.data == [1.5, 2.9, 3.3]);
1615     assert(s.data[s.findIndex(2)] == 2.9);
1616 }
1619 /**
1620 Constructs a RC-allocated series from an associative array.
1621 Performs exactly two allocations.
1623 Params:
1624     aa = associative array or a pointer to associative array
1625 Returns:
1626     sorted RC-allocated series.
1627 See_also: $(LREF assocArray)
1628 */
1629 auto rcseries(RK, RV, K = RK, V = RV)(RV[RK] aa)
1630     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1631 {
1632     import mir.rc.array;
1633     import mir.conv: to;
1634     alias R = Series!(RCI!K, RCI!V);
1635     const size_t length = aa.length;
1636     auto ret = series(length.mininitRcarray!(Unqual!K).asSlice, length.mininitRcarray!(Unqual!V).asSlice);
1637     auto it = ret.lightScope;
1638     foreach(ref kv; aa.byKeyValue)
1639     {
1640         import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
1641         emplaceRef!K(it.lightScopeIndex.front, kv.key.to!K);
1642         emplaceRef!V(it._data.front, kv.value.to!V);
1643         it.popFront;
1644     }
1645     import core.lifetime: move;
1646     .sort(ret.lightScope);
1647     static if (is(typeof(ret) == R))
1648         return ret;
1649     else
1650         return ()@trusted{ return (*cast(R*) &ret); }();
1651 }
1653 /// ditto
1654 auto rcseries(K, V, RK = const K, RV = const V)(const V[K] aa)
1655     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1656 {
1657     return .rcseries!(K, V, RK, RV)((()@trusted => cast(V[K]) aa)());
1658 }
1660 /// ditto
1661 auto  rcseries( K, V, RK = immutable K, RV = immutable V)(immutable V[K] aa)
1662     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1663 {
1664     return .rcseries!(K, V, RK, RV)((()@trusted => cast(V[K]) aa)());
1665 }
1667 /// ditto
1668 auto rcseries(K, V)(V[K]* aa)
1669     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1670 {
1671     return rcseries(*a);
1672 }
1674 ///
1675 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1676 {
1677     auto s = [1: 1.5, 3: 3.3, 2: 20.9].rcseries;
1678     assert(s.index == [1, 2, 3]);
1679     assert(s.data == [1.5, 20.9, 3.3]);
1680     assert(s.data[s.findIndex(2)] == 20.9);
1681 }
1683 // pure nothrow
1684 version(mir_test) unittest
1685 {
1686     import mir.rc.array;
1687     immutable aa = [1: 1.5, 3: 3.3, 2: 2.9];
1688     auto s = aa.rcseries;
1689     Series!(RCI!(const int), RCI!(const double)) c;
1690     s = cast() s;
1691     c = s;
1692     s = cast(const) s;
1693     s = cast(immutable) s;
1694     s = s;
1695     assert(s.index == [1, 2, 3]);
1696     assert(s.data == [1.5, 2.9, 3.3]);
1697     assert(s.data[s.findIndex(2)] == 2.9);
1698 }
1700 /++
1701 Constructs a manually allocated series from an associative array.
1702 Performs exactly two allocations.
1704 Params:
1705     aa == associative array or a pointer to associative array
1706 Returns:
1707     sorted manually allocated series.
1708 +/
1709 Series!(K*, V*) makeSeries(Allocator, K, V)(auto ref Allocator allocator, V[K] aa)
1710     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1711 {
1712     import mir.ndslice.allocation: makeUninitSlice;
1713     import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
1715     immutable size_t length = aa.length;
1717     auto ret = series(
1718         allocator.makeUninitSlice!(Unqual!K)(length),
1719         allocator.makeUninitSlice!(Unqual!V)(length));
1721     auto it = ret;
1722     foreach(ref kv; aa.byKeyValue)
1723     {
1724         it.index.front.emplaceRef!K(kv.key);
1725         it.data.front.emplaceRef!V(kv.value);
1726         it.popFront;
1727     }
1729     ret.sort;
1730     static if (is(typeof(ret) == typeof(return)))
1731         return ret;
1732     else
1733         return ()@trusted{ return cast(typeof(return)) ret; }();
1734 }
1736 /// ditto
1737 Series!(K*, V*) makeSeries(Allocator, K, V)(auto ref Allocator allocator, V[K]* aa)
1738     if (is(typeof(K.init < K.init)) && is(typeof(Unqual!K.init < Unqual!K.init)))
1739 {
1740     return makeSeries(allocator, *a);
1741 }
1743 ///
1744 pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1745 {
1746     import std.experimental.allocator;
1747     import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.region;
1749     InSituRegion!(1024) allocator;
1750     auto aa = [1: 1.5, 3: 3.3, 2: 2.9];
1752     auto s = (double[int] aa) @nogc @trusted pure nothrow {
1753         return allocator.makeSeries(aa);
1754     }(aa);
1756     auto indexArray = s.index.field;
1757     auto dataArray = s.data.field;
1759     assert(s.index == [1, 2, 3]);
1760     assert(s.data == [1.5, 2.9, 3.3]);
1761     assert(s.data[s.findIndex(2)] == 2.9);
1763     allocator.dispose(indexArray);
1764     allocator.dispose(dataArray);
1765 }
1767 /++
1768 Returns a newly allocated associative array from a range of key/value tuples.
1770 Params:
1771     series = index / time $(LREF Series), may not be sorted
1773 Returns: A newly allocated associative array out of elements of the input
1774 _series. Returns a null associative
1775 array reference when given an empty _series.
1777 Duplicates: Associative arrays have unique keys. If r contains duplicate keys,
1778 then the result will contain the value of the last pair for that key in r.
1779 +/
1780 auto assocArray(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)
1781     (Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind) series)
1782 {
1783     alias SK = series.Key;
1784     alias SV = series.Value;
1785     alias UK = Unqual!SK;
1786     alias UV = Unqual!SV;
1787     static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(SK, UK))
1788         alias K = UK;
1789     else
1790         alias K = SK;
1791     static if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(SV, UV))
1792         alias V = UV;
1793     else
1794         alias V = SV;
1795     static assert(isMutable!V, "mir.series.assocArray: value type ( " ~ V.stringof ~ " ) must be mutable");
1797     V[K] aa;
1798     aa.insertOrAssign = series;
1799     return aa;
1800 }
1802 ///
1803 @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest
1804 {
1805     import mir.ndslice; //iota and etc
1806     import mir.series;
1808     auto s = ["c", "a", "b"].series(3.iota!int);
1809     assert(s.assocArray == [
1810         "c": 0,
1811         "a": 1,
1812         "b": 2,
1813     ]);
1814 }
1816 /// Returns: true if `U` is a $(LREF Series);
1817 enum isSeries(U) = is(U : Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind), IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind);
1819 /++
1820 Finds an index such that `series.index[index] == key`.
1822 Params:
1823     series = series
1824     key = index to find in the series
1825 Returns:
1826     `size_t.max` if the series does not contain the key and appropriate index otherwise.
1827 +/
1828 size_t findIndex(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Index)(Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind) series, auto ref scope const Index key)
1829 {
1830     auto idx = series.lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
1831     if (idx < series._data._lengths[0] && series.index[idx] == key)
1832     {
1833         return idx;
1834     }
1835     return size_t.max;
1836 }
1838 ///
1839 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1840 {
1841     auto index = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced;
1842     auto data = [2.1, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8].sliced;
1843     auto series = index.series(data);
1845     assert(series.data[series.findIndex(3)] == 5.6);
1846     assert(series.findIndex(0) == size_t.max);
1847 }
1849 /++
1850 Finds a backward index such that `series.index[$ - backward_index] == key`.
1852 Params:
1853     series = series
1854     key = index key to find in the series
1855 Returns:
1856     `0` if the series does not contain the key and appropriate backward index otherwise.
1857 +/
1858 size_t find(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Index)(Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind) series, auto ref scope const Index key)
1859 {
1860     auto idx = series.lightScopeIndex.transitionIndex(key);
1861     auto bidx = series._data._lengths[0] - idx;
1862     if (bidx && series.index[idx] == key)
1863     {
1864         return bidx;
1865     }
1866     return 0;
1867 }
1869 ///
1870 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
1871 {
1872     auto index = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced;
1873     auto data = [2.1, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8].sliced;
1874     auto series = index.series(data);
1876     if (auto bi = series.find(3))
1877     {
1878         assert(series.data[$ - bi] == 5.6);
1879     }
1880     else
1881     {
1882         assert(0);
1883     }
1885     assert(series.find(0) == 0);
1886 }
1888 /++
1889 Iterates union using three functions to handle each intersection case separately.
1890 Params:
1891     lfun = binary function that accepts left side key (and left side value)
1892     cfun = trinary function that accepts left side key, (left side value,) and right side value
1893     rfun = binary function that accepts right side key (and right side value)
1894 +/
1895 template troykaGalop(alias lfun, alias cfun, alias rfun)
1896 {
1897     import mir.primitives: isInputRange;
1899     /++
1900     Params:
1901         lhs = left hand series
1902         rhs = right hand series
1903     +/
1904     pragma(inline, false)
1905     void troykaGalop(
1906         IndexIterL, IterL, size_t LN, SliceKind lkind,
1907         IndexIterR, IterR, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind,
1908     )(
1909         Series!(IndexIterL, IterL, LN, lkind) lhs,
1910         Series!(IndexIterR, IterR, RN, rkind) rhs,
1911     )
1912     {
1913         if (lhs.empty)
1914             goto R0;
1915         if (rhs.empty)
1916             goto L1;
1917         for(;;)
1918         {
1919             if (lhs.index.front < rhs.index.front)
1920             {
1921                 lfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front);
1922                 lhs.popFront;
1923                 if (lhs.empty)
1924                     goto R1;
1925                 continue;
1926             }
1927             else
1928             if (lhs.index.front > rhs.index.front)
1929             {
1930                 rfun(rhs.index.front, rhs.data.front);
1931                 rhs.popFront;
1932                 if (rhs.empty)
1933                     goto L1;
1934                 continue;
1935             }
1936             else
1937             {
1938                 cfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front, rhs.data.front);
1939                 lhs.popFront;
1940                 rhs.popFront;
1941                 if (rhs.empty)
1942                     goto L0;
1943                 if (lhs.empty)
1944                     goto R1;
1945                 continue;
1946             }
1947         }
1949     L0:
1950         if (lhs.empty)
1951             return;
1952     L1:
1953         do
1954         {
1955             lfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front);
1956             lhs.popFront;
1957         } while(!lhs.empty);
1958         return;
1960     R0:
1961         if (rhs.empty)
1962             return;
1963     R1:
1964         do
1965         {
1966             rfun(rhs.index.front, rhs.data.front);
1967             rhs.popFront;
1968         } while(!rhs.empty);
1969         return;
1970     }
1972     /++
1973     Params:
1974         lhs = left hand input range
1975         rhs = right hand input range
1976     +/
1977     pragma(inline, false)
1978     void troykaGalop (LeftRange, RightRange)(LeftRange lhs, RightRange rhs)
1979         if (isInputRange!LeftRange && isInputRange!RightRange && !isSeries!LeftRange && !isSeries!RightRange)
1980     {
1981         if (lhs.empty)
1982             goto R0;
1983         if (rhs.empty)
1984             goto L1;
1985         for(;;)
1986         {
1987             if (lhs.front < rhs.front)
1988             {
1989                 lfun(lhs.front);
1990                 lhs.popFront;
1991                 if (lhs.empty)
1992                     goto R1;
1993                 continue;
1994             }
1995             else
1996             if (lhs.front > rhs.front)
1997             {
1998                 rfun(rhs.front);
1999                 rhs.popFront;
2000                 if (rhs.empty)
2001                     goto L1;
2002                 continue;
2003             }
2004             else
2005             {
2006                 cfun(lhs.front, rhs.front);
2007                 lhs.popFront;
2008                 rhs.popFront;
2009                 if (rhs.empty)
2010                     goto L0;
2011                 if (lhs.empty)
2012                     goto R1;
2013                 continue;
2014             }
2015         }
2017     L0:
2018         if (lhs.empty)
2019             return;
2020     L1:
2021         do
2022         {
2023             lfun(lhs.front);
2024             lhs.popFront;
2025         } while(!lhs.empty);
2026         return;
2028     R0:
2029         if (rhs.empty)
2030             return;
2031     R1:
2032         do
2033         {
2034             rfun(rhs.front);
2035             rhs.popFront;
2036         } while(!rhs.empty);
2037         return;
2038     }
2039 }
2041 /++
2042 Constructs union using three functions to handle each intersection case separately.
2043 Params:
2044     lfun = binary function that accepts left side key and left side value
2045     cfun = trinary function that accepts left side key, left side value, and right side value
2046     rfun = binary function that accepts right side key and right side value
2047 +/
2048 template troykaSeries(alias lfun, alias cfun, alias rfun)
2049 {
2050     /++
2051     Params:
2052         lhs = left hand series
2053         rhs = right hand series
2054     Returns:
2055         GC-allocated union series with length equal to $(LREF troykaLength)
2056     +/
2057     auto troykaSeries
2058     (
2059         IndexIterL, IterL, size_t LN, SliceKind lkind,
2060         IndexIterR, IterR, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind,
2061     )(
2062         Series!(IndexIterL, IterL, LN, lkind) lhs,
2063         Series!(IndexIterR, IterR, RN, rkind) rhs,
2064     )
2065     {
2066         alias I = CommonType!(typeof(lhs.index.front), typeof(rhs.index.front));
2067         alias E = CommonType!(
2068             typeof(lfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front)),
2069             typeof(cfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front, rhs.data.front)),
2070             typeof(rfun(rhs.index.front, rhs.data.front)),
2071         );
2072         alias R = Series!(I*, E*);
2073         alias UI = Unqual!I;
2074         alias UE = Unqual!E;
2075         const length = troykaLength(lhs.index, rhs.index);
2076         import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice;
2077         auto index = length.uninitSlice!UI;
2078         auto data = length.uninitSlice!UE;
2079         auto ret = index.series(data);
2080         alias algo = troykaSeriesImpl!(lfun, cfun, rfun);
2081         algo!(I, E)(lhs.lightScope, rhs.lightScope, ret);
2082         return (()@trusted => cast(R) ret)();
2083     }
2084 }
2086 ///
2087 version(mir_test) unittest
2088 {
2089     import mir.ndslice;
2090     auto a = [1, 2, 3, 9].sliced.series(iota!int([4], 1));
2091     auto b = [0, 2, 4, 9].sliced.series(iota!int([4], 1) * 10.0);
2092     alias unionAlgorithm = troykaSeries!(
2093         (key, left) => left,
2094         (key, left, right) => left + right,
2095         (key, right) => -right,
2096     );
2097     auto c = unionAlgorithm(a, b);
2098     assert(c.index == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9]);
2099     assert(c.data == [-10, 1, 22, 3, -30, 44]);
2100 }
2102 /++
2103 Constructs union using three functions to handle each intersection case separately.
2104 Params:
2105     lfun = binary function that accepts left side key and left side value
2106     cfun = trinary function that accepts left side key, left side value, and right side value
2107     rfun = binary function that accepts right side key and right side value
2108 +/
2109 template rcTroykaSeries(alias lfun, alias cfun, alias rfun)
2110 {
2111     /++
2112     Params:
2113         lhs = left hand series
2114         rhs = right hand series
2115     Returns:
2116         RC-allocated union series with length equal to $(LREF troykaLength)
2117     +/
2118     auto rcTroykaSeries
2119     (
2120         IndexIterL, IterL, size_t LN, SliceKind lkind,
2121         IndexIterR, IterR, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind,
2122     )(
2123         auto ref Series!(IndexIterL, IterL, LN, lkind) lhs,
2124         auto ref Series!(IndexIterR, IterR, RN, rkind) rhs,
2125     )
2126     {
2127         import mir.rc.array;
2128         alias I = CommonType!(typeof(lhs.index.front), typeof(rhs.index.front));
2129         alias E = CommonType!(
2130             typeof(lfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front)),
2131             typeof(cfun(lhs.index.front, lhs.data.front, rhs.data.front)),
2132             typeof(rfun(rhs.index.front, rhs.data.front)),
2133         );
2134         alias R = Series!(RCI!I, RCI!E);
2135         alias UI = Unqual!I;
2136         alias UE = Unqual!E;
2137         const length = troykaLength(lhs.index, rhs.index);
2138         import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice;
2139         auto ret = length.mininitRcarray!UI.asSlice.series(length.mininitRcarray!UE.asSlice);
2140         alias algo = troykaSeriesImpl!(lfun, cfun, rfun);
2141         algo!(I, E)(lhs.lightScope, rhs.lightScope, ret.lightScope);
2142         return (()@trusted => *cast(R*) &ret)();
2143     }
2144 }
2146 ///
2147 version(mir_test) unittest
2148 {
2149     import mir.ndslice;
2150     auto a = [1, 2, 3, 9].sliced.series(iota!int([4], 1));
2151     auto b = [0, 2, 4, 9].sliced.series(iota!int([4], 1) * 10.0);
2152     alias unionAlgorithm = rcTroykaSeries!(
2153         (key, left) => left,
2154         (key, left, right) => left + right,
2155         (key, right) => -right,
2156     );
2157     auto c = unionAlgorithm(a, b);
2158     assert(c.index == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9]);
2159     assert(c.data == [-10, 1, 22, 3, -30, 44]);
2160 }
2163 /++
2164 Length for Troyka union handlers.
2165 Params:
2166     lhs = left hand side series/range
2167     rhs = right hand side series/range
2168 Returns: Total count of lambda function calls in $(LREF troykaGalop) union handler.
2169 +/
2170 size_t troykaLength(
2171     IndexIterL, IterL, size_t LN, SliceKind lkind,
2172     IndexIterR, IterR, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind,
2173 )(
2174     Series!(IndexIterL, IterL, LN, lkind) lhs,
2175     Series!(IndexIterR, IterR, RN, rkind) rhs,
2176 )
2177 {
2178     return troykaLength(lhs.index, rhs.index);
2179 }
2181 /// ditto
2182 size_t troykaLength(LeftRange, RightRange)(LeftRange lhs, RightRange rhs)
2183     if (!isSeries!LeftRange && !isSeries!RightRange)
2184 {
2185     size_t length;
2186     alias counter = (scope auto ref _) => ++length;
2187     alias ccounter = (scope auto ref _l, scope auto ref _r) => ++length;
2188     troykaGalop!(counter, ccounter, counter)(lhs, rhs);
2189     return length;
2190 }
2192 ///
2193 template troykaSeriesImpl(alias lfun, alias cfun, alias rfun)
2194 {
2195     ///
2196     void troykaSeriesImpl
2197     (
2198         I, E,
2199         IndexIterL, IterL, size_t LN, SliceKind lkind,
2200         IndexIterR, IterR, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind,
2201         UI, UE,
2202     )(
2203         Series!(IndexIterL, IterL, LN, lkind) lhs,
2204         Series!(IndexIterR, IterR, RN, rkind) rhs,
2205         Series!(UI*, UE*) uninitSlice,
2206     )
2207     {
2208         import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
2209         troykaGalop!(
2210             (auto ref key, auto ref value) {
2211                 uninitSlice.index.front.emplaceRef!I(key);
2212                 uninitSlice.data.front.emplaceRef!E(lfun(key, value));
2213                 uninitSlice.popFront;
2214             },
2215             (auto ref key, auto ref lvalue, auto ref rvalue) {
2216                 uninitSlice.index.front.emplaceRef!I(key);
2217                 uninitSlice.data.front.emplaceRef!E(cfun(key, lvalue, rvalue));
2218                 uninitSlice.popFront;
2219             },
2220             (auto ref key, auto ref value) {
2221                 uninitSlice.index.front.emplaceRef!I(key);
2222                 uninitSlice.data.front.emplaceRef!E(rfun(key, value));
2223                 uninitSlice.popFront;
2224             },
2225             )(lhs, rhs);
2226         assert(uninitSlice.length == 0);
2227     }
2228 }
2230 /**
2231 Merges multiple (time) series into one.
2232 Makes exactly one memory allocation for two series union
2233 and two memory allocation for three and more series union.
2235 Params:
2236     seriesTuple = variadic static array of composed of series, each series must be sorted.
2237 Returns: sorted GC-allocated series.
2238 See_also $(LREF Series.opBinary) $(LREF makeUnionSeries)
2239 */
2240 auto unionSeries(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, size_t C)(Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)[C] seriesTuple...)
2241     if (C > 1)
2242 {
2243     return unionSeriesImplPrivate!false(seriesTuple);
2244 }
2246 ///
2247 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2248 {
2249     import mir.date: Date;
2251     //////////////////////////////////////
2252     // Constructs two time-series.
2253     //////////////////////////////////////
2254     auto index0 = [1,3,4];
2255     auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
2256     auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
2258     auto index1 = [1,2,5];
2259     auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
2260     auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
2262     //////////////////////////////////////
2263     // Merges multiple series into one.
2264     //////////////////////////////////////
2265     // Order is matter.
2266     // The first slice has higher priority.
2267     auto m0 = unionSeries(series0, series1);
2268     auto m1 = unionSeries(series1, series0);
2270     assert(m0.index == m1.index);
2271     assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2272     assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2273 }
2275 ///
2276 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2277 {
2278     import mir.date: Date;
2280     //////////////////////////////////////
2281     // Constructs three time-series.
2282     //////////////////////////////////////
2283     auto index0 = [1,3,4];
2284     auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
2285     auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
2287     auto index1 = [1,2,5];
2288     auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
2289     auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
2291     auto index2 = [1, 6];
2292     auto data2 = [100.0, 600];
2293     auto series2 = index2.series(data2);
2295     //////////////////////////////////////
2296     // Merges multiple series into one.
2297     //////////////////////////////////////
2298     // Order is matter.
2299     // The first slice has higher priority.
2300     auto m0 = unionSeries(series0, series1, series2);
2301     auto m1 = unionSeries(series1, series0, series2);
2302     auto m2 = unionSeries(series2, series0, series1);
2304     assert(m0.index == m1.index);
2305     assert(m0.index == m2.index);
2306     assert(m0.data == [  1, 20,  3,  4, 50, 600]);
2307     assert(m1.data == [ 10, 20,  3,  4, 50, 600]);
2308     assert(m2.data == [100, 20,  3,  4, 50, 600]);
2309 }
2311 /**
2312 Merges multiple (time) series into one.
2314 Params:
2315     allocator = memory allocator
2316     seriesTuple = variadic static array of composed of series.
2317 Returns: sorted manually allocated series.
2318 See_also $(LREF unionSeries)
2319 */
2320 auto makeUnionSeries(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, size_t C, Allocator)(auto ref Allocator allocator, Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)[C] seriesTuple...)
2321     if (C > 1)
2322 {
2323     return unionSeriesImplPrivate!false(seriesTuple, allocator);
2324 }
2326 ///
2327 @system pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2328 {
2329     import std.experimental.allocator;
2330     import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.region;
2332     //////////////////////////////////////
2333     // Constructs two time-series.
2334     //////////////////////////////////////
2335     auto index0 = [1,3,4];
2337     auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
2338     auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
2340     auto index1 = [1,2,5];
2342     auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
2343     auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
2345     //////////////////////////////////////
2346     // Merges multiple series into one.
2347     //////////////////////////////////////
2349     InSituRegion!(1024) allocator;
2351     auto m0 = allocator.makeUnionSeries(series0, series1);
2352     auto m1 = allocator.makeUnionSeries(series1, series0); // order is matter
2354     assert(m0.index == m1.index);
2355     assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2356     assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2358     /// series should have the same sizes as after allocation
2359     allocator.dispose(m0.index.field);
2360     allocator.dispose(m0.data.field);
2361     allocator.dispose(m1.index.field);
2362     allocator.dispose(m1.data.field);
2363 }
2365 /**
2366 Merges multiple (time) series into one.
2368 Params:
2369     seriesTuple = variadic static array of composed of series.
2370 Returns: sorted manually allocated series.
2371 See_also $(LREF unionSeries)
2372 */
2373 auto rcUnionSeries(IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, size_t C)(Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)[C] seriesTuple...)
2374     if (C > 1)
2375 {
2376     return unionSeriesImplPrivate!true(seriesTuple);
2377 }
2379 ///
2380 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2381 {
2382     import mir.rc.array;
2384     //////////////////////////////////////
2385     // Constructs two time-series.
2386     //////////////////////////////////////
2387     auto index0 = [1,3,4];
2389     auto data0 = [1.0, 3, 4];
2390     auto series0 = index0.series(data0);
2392     auto index1 = [1,2,5];
2394     auto data1 = [10.0, 20, 50];
2395     auto series1 = index1.series(data1);
2397     //////////////////////////////////////
2398     // Merges multiple series into one.
2399     //////////////////////////////////////
2401     Series!(RCI!int, RCI!double) m0 = rcUnionSeries(series0, series1);
2402     Series!(RCI!int, RCI!double) m1 = rcUnionSeries(series1, series0); // order is matter
2404     assert(m0.index == m1.index);
2405     assert(m0.data == [ 1, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2406     assert(m1.data == [10, 20,  3,  4, 50]);
2407 }
2409 /**
2410 Initialize preallocated series using union of multiple (time) series.
2411 Doesn't make any allocations.
2413 Params:
2414     seriesTuple = dynamic array composed of series.
2415     uninitSeries = uninitialized series with exactly required length.
2416 */
2417 pragma(inline, false)
2418 auto unionSeriesImpl(I, E,
2419     IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, UI, UE)(
2420     Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)[] seriesTuple,
2421     Series!(UI*, UE*, N) uninitSeries,
2422     )
2423 {
2424     import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
2425     import mir.algorithm.setops: multiwayUnion;
2427     enum N = N;
2428     alias I = DeepElementType!(typeof(seriesTuple[0].index));
2429     alias E = DeepElementType!(typeof(seriesTuple[0]._data));
2431     if(uninitSeries.length)
2432     {
2433         auto u = seriesTuple.multiwayUnion!"a.index < b.index";
2434         do
2435         {
2436             auto obs = u.front;
2437             emplaceRef!I(uninitSeries.index.front, obs.index);
2438             static if (N == 1)
2439                 emplaceRef!E(uninitSeries._data.front, obs.data);
2440             else
2441                 each!(emplaceRef!E)(uninitSeries._data.front, obs.data);
2442             u.popFront;
2443             uninitSeries.popFront;
2444         }
2445         while(uninitSeries.length);
2446     }
2447 }
2449 private auto unionSeriesImplPrivate(bool rc, IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, size_t C, Allocator...)(ref Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind)[C] seriesTuple, ref Allocator allocator)
2450     if (C > 1 && Allocator.length <= 1)
2451 {
2452     import mir.algorithm.setops: unionLength;
2453     import mir.ndslice.topology: iota;
2454     import mir.internal.utility: Iota;
2455     import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice, makeUninitSlice;
2456     static if (rc)
2457         import mir.rc.array;
2459     Slice!IndexIterator[C] indeces;
2460     foreach (i; Iota!C)
2461         indeces[i] = seriesTuple[i].index;
2463     immutable len = indeces[].unionLength;
2465     alias I = typeof(seriesTuple[0].index.front);
2466     alias E = typeof(seriesTuple[0].data.front);
2467     static if (rc)
2468         alias R = Series!(RCI!I, RCI!E, N);
2469     else
2470         alias R = Series!(I*, E*, N);
2471     alias UI = Unqual!I;
2472     alias UE = Unqual!E;
2474     static if (N > 1)
2475     {
2476         auto shape = seriesTuple[0]._data._lengths;
2477         shape[0] = len;
2479         foreach (ref sl; seriesTuple[1 .. $])
2480             foreach (i; Iota!(1, N))
2481                 if (seriesTuple._data[0]._lengths[i] != sl._data._lengths[i])
2482                     assert(0, "shapes mismatch");
2483     }
2484     else
2485     {
2486         alias shape = len;
2487     }
2489     static if (rc == false)
2490     {
2491         static if (Allocator.length)
2492             auto ret = (()@trusted => allocator[0].makeUninitSlice!UI(len).series(allocator[0].makeUninitSlice!UE(shape)))();
2493         else
2494             auto ret = (()@trusted => len.uninitSlice!UI.series(shape.uninitSlice!UE))();
2495     }
2496     else
2497     {
2498         static if (Allocator.length)
2499             static assert(0, "rcUnionSeries with allocators is not implemented.");
2500         else
2501             auto ret = (()@trusted =>
2502                 len
2503                 .mininitRcarray!UI
2504                 .asSlice
2505                 .series(
2506                     shape
2507                     .iota
2508                     .elementCount
2509                     .mininitRcarray!UE
2510                     .asSlice
2511                     .sliced(shape)))();
2512     }
2514     static if (C == 2) // fast path
2515     {
2516         alias algo = troykaSeriesImpl!(
2517             ref (scope ref key, scope return ref left) => left,
2518             ref (scope ref key, scope return ref left, scope return ref right) => left,
2519             ref (scope ref key, scope return ref right) => right,
2520         );
2521         algo!(I, E)(seriesTuple[0], seriesTuple[1], ret.lightScope);
2522     }
2523     else
2524     {
2525         unionSeriesImpl!(I, E)(seriesTuple, ret.lightScope);
2526     }
2528     return () @trusted {return *cast(R*) &ret; }();
2529 }
2531 /**
2532 Inserts or assigns a series to the associative array `aa`.
2533 Params:
2534     aa = associative array
2535     series = series
2536 Returns:
2537     associative array
2538 */
2539 ref V[K] insertOrAssign(V, K, IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(return ref V[K] aa, auto ref Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind) series) @property
2540 {
2541     auto s = series.lightScope;
2542     foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
2543     {
2544         aa[s.index[i]] = s.data[i];
2545     }
2546     return aa;
2547 }
2549 ///
2550 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2551 {
2552     auto a = [1: 3.0, 4: 2.0];
2553     auto s = series([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]);
2554     a.insertOrAssign = s;
2555     assert(a.series == series([1, 2, 3, 4], [10.0, 20, 30, 2]));
2556 }
2558 /**
2559 Inserts a series to the associative array `aa`.
2560 Params:
2561     aa = associative array
2562     series = series
2563 Returns:
2564     associative array
2565 */
2566 ref V[K] insert(V, K, IndexIterator, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(return ref V[K] aa, auto ref Series!(IndexIterator, Iterator, N, kind) series) @property
2567 {
2568     auto s = series.lightScope;
2569     foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
2570     {
2571         if (s.index[i] in aa)
2572             continue;
2573         aa[s.index[i]] = s.data[i];
2574     }
2575     return aa;
2576 }
2578 ///
2579 @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest
2580 {
2581     auto a = [1: 3.0, 4: 2.0];
2582     auto s = series([1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]);
2583     a.insert = s;
2584     assert(a.series == series([1, 2, 3, 4], [3.0, 20, 30, 2]));
2585 }
2588 static if (__VERSION__ < 2078)
2589 //////////////////// OBJECT.d
2590 {
2592 private:
2594 extern (C)
2595 {
2596     // from druntime/src/rt/aaA.d
2598     // size_t _aaLen(in void* p) pure nothrow @nogc;
2599     private void* _aaGetY(void** paa, const TypeInfo_AssociativeArray ti, in size_t valuesize, in void* pkey) pure nothrow;
2600     // inout(void)* _aaGetRvalueX(inout void* p, in TypeInfo keyti, in size_t valuesize, in void* pkey);
2601     inout(void)[] _aaValues(inout void* p, in size_t keysize, in size_t valuesize, const TypeInfo tiValArray) pure nothrow;
2602     inout(void)[] _aaKeys(inout void* p, in size_t keysize, const TypeInfo tiKeyArray) pure nothrow;
2603     void* _aaRehash(void** pp, in TypeInfo keyti) pure nothrow;
2604     void _aaClear(void* p) pure nothrow;
2606     // alias _dg_t = extern(D) int delegate(void*);
2607     // int _aaApply(void* aa, size_t keysize, _dg_t dg);
2609     // alias _dg2_t = extern(D) int delegate(void*, void*);
2610     // int _aaApply2(void* aa, size_t keysize, _dg2_t dg);
2612     // private struct AARange { void* impl; size_t idx; }
2613     alias AARange = ReturnType!(object._aaRange);
2614     AARange _aaRange(void* aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
2615     bool _aaRangeEmpty(AARange r) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
2616     void* _aaRangeFrontKey(AARange r) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
2617     void* _aaRangeFrontValue(AARange r) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
2618     void _aaRangePopFront(ref AARange r) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;
2620 }
2622 auto byKeyValue(T : V[K], K, V)(T aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
2623 {
2624     import core.internal.traits : substInout;
2626     static struct Result
2627     {
2628         AARange r;
2630     pure nothrow @nogc:
2631         @property bool empty() @safe { return _aaRangeEmpty(r); }
2632         @property auto front()
2633         {
2634             static struct Pair
2635             {
2636                 // We save the pointers here so that the Pair we return
2637                 // won't mutate when Result.popFront is called afterwards.
2638                 private void* keyp;
2639                 private void* valp;
2641                 @property ref key() inout
2642                 {
2643                     auto p = (() @trusted => cast(substInout!K*) keyp) ();
2644                     return *p;
2645                 };
2646                 @property ref value() inout
2647                 {
2648                     auto p = (() @trusted => cast(substInout!V*) valp) ();
2649                     return *p;
2650                 };
2651             }
2652             return Pair(_aaRangeFrontKey(r),
2653                         _aaRangeFrontValue(r));
2654         }
2655         void popFront() @safe { return _aaRangePopFront(r); }
2656         @property Result save() { return this; }
2657     }
2659     return Result(_aaToRange(aa));
2660 }
2662 auto byKeyValue(T : V[K], K, V)(T* aa) pure nothrow @nogc
2663 {
2664     return (*aa).byKeyValue();
2665 }
2667 // this should never be made public.
2668 private AARange _aaToRange(T: V[K], K, V)(ref T aa) pure nothrow @nogc @safe
2669 {
2670     // ensure we are dealing with a genuine AA.
2671     static if (is(const(V[K]) == const(T)))
2672         alias realAA = aa;
2673     else
2674         const(V[K]) realAA = aa;
2675     return _aaRange(() @trusted { return cast(void*)realAA; } ());
2676 }
2678 }