1 /++
2 $(H1 Ordered string-value associtaive array)
3 Macros:
4 AlgebraicREF = $(GREF_ALTTEXT mir-core, $(TT $1), $1, mir, algebraic)$(NBSP)
5 +/
7 module mir.string_map;
9 import std.traits;
11 /++
12 Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF StringMap).
13 +/
14 enum isStringMap(T) = is(Unqual!T == StringMap!V, V);
16 version(mir_test) 
17 ///
18 unittest
19 {
20     static assert(isStringMap!(StringMap!int));
21     static assert(isStringMap!(const StringMap!int));
22     static assert(!isStringMap!int);
23 }
25 /++
26 Ordered string-value associtaive array with extremely fast lookup.
28 Params:
29     T = mutable value type, can be instance of $(AlgebraicREF Algebraic) for example.
30     U = an unsigned type that can hold an index of keys. `U.max` must be less then the maximum possible number of struct members.
31 +/
32 struct StringMap(T, U = uint)
33     if (isMutable!T && !__traits(hasMember, T, "opPostMove") && __traits(isUnsigned, U))
34 {
35     import mir.utility: _expect;
36     import core.lifetime: move;
37     import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
39     private alias Impl = StructImpl!(T, U);
40     private Impl* implementation;
42     ///
43     // current implementation is workaround for linking bugs when used in self referencing algebraic types
44     bool opEquals(const StringMap rhs) const
45     {
46         if (keys != rhs.keys)
47             return false;
48         if (implementation)
49             foreach (const i; 0 .. implementation._length)
50                 if (implementation._values[i] != rhs.implementation._values[i])
51                     return false;
52         return true;
53     }
55     // // linking bug
56     // version(none)
57     // {
58     //     /++
59     //     +/
60     //     bool opEquals()(typeof(null)) @safe pure nothrow @nogc const
61     //     {
62     //         return implementation is null;
63     //     }
65     //     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
66     //     ///
67     //     @safe pure unittest
68     //     {
69     //         StringMap!int map;
70     //         assert(map == null);
71     //         map = StringMap!int(["key" : 1]);
72     //         assert(map != null);
73     //         map.remove("key");
74     //         assert(map != null);
75     //     }
76     // }
78     /++
79     Reset the associtave array
80     +/
81     ref opAssign()(typeof(null)) return @safe pure nothrow @nogc
82     {
83         implementation = null;
84         return this;
85     }
87     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
88     ///
89     @safe pure unittest
90     {
91         StringMap!int map = ["key" : 1];
92         map = null;
93     }
95     /++
96     Initialize the associtave array with default value.
97     +/
98     this()(typeof(null) aa) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
99     {
100         implementation = null;
101     }
103     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
104     /// Usefull for default funcion argument.
105     @safe pure unittest
106     {
107         StringMap!int map = null; //
108     }
110     /++
111     Constructs an associative array using keys and values from the builtin associative array
112     Complexity: `O(n log(n))`
113     +/
114     this()(T[string] aa) @trusted pure nothrow
115     {
116         this(aa.keys, aa.values);
117     }
119     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
120     ///
121     @safe pure unittest
122     {
123         StringMap!int map = ["key" : 1];
124         assert(map.findPos("key") == 0);
125     }
127     ///
128     string toString()() const
129     {
130         import mir.format: stringBuf;
131         stringBuf buffer;
132         toString(buffer);
133         return buffer.data.idup;
134     }
136     ///ditto
137     void toString(W)(scope ref W w) const
138     {
139         bool next;
140         w.put('[');
141         import mir.format: printEscaped, EscapeFormat, print;
142         foreach (i, ref value; values)
143         {
144             if (next)
145                 w.put(`, `);
146             next = true;
147             w.put('\"');
148             printEscaped!(char, EscapeFormat.ion)(w, keys[i]);
149             w.put(`": `);
150             print(w, value);
151         }
152         w.put(']');
153     }
155     /++
156     Constructs an associative array using keys and values.
157     Params:
158         keys = mutable array of keys
159         values = mutable array of values
160     Key and value arrays must have the same length.
162     Complexity: `O(n log(n))`
163     +/
164     this()(string[] keys, T[] values) @trusted pure nothrow
165     {
166         assert(keys.length == values.length);
167         implementation = new Impl(keys, values);
168     }
170     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
171     ///
172     @safe pure unittest
173     {
174         auto keys = ["ba", "a"];
175         auto values = [1.0, 3.0];
176         auto map = StringMap!double(keys, values);
177         assert(map.keys is keys);
178         assert(map.values is values);
179     }
181     /++
182     Returns: number of elements in the table.
183     +/
184     size_t length()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
185     {
186         return implementation ? implementation.length : 0;
187     }
189     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
190     ///
191     @safe pure unittest
192     {
193         StringMap!double map;
194         assert(map.length == 0);
195         map["a"] = 3.0;
196         assert(map.length == 1);
197         map["c"] = 4.0;
198         assert(map.length == 2);
199         assert(map.remove("c"));
200         assert(map.length == 1);
201         assert(!map.remove("c"));
202         assert(map.length == 1);
203         assert(map.remove("a"));
204         assert(map.length == 0);
205     }
207     /++
208     Returns a dynamic array, the elements of which are the keys in the associative array.
209     Doesn't allocate a new copy.
211     Complexity: `O(1)`
212     +/
213     const(string)[] keys()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
214     {
215         return implementation ? implementation.keys : null;
216     }
218     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
219     ///
220     @safe pure unittest
221     {
222         StringMap!double map;
223         assert(map.keys == []);
224         map["c"] = 4.0;
225         assert(map.keys == ["c"]);
226         map["a"] = 3.0;
227         assert(map.keys == ["c", "a"]);
228         map.remove("c");
229         assert(map.keys == ["a"]);
230         map.remove("a");
231         assert(map.keys == []);
232         map["c"] = 4.0;
233         assert(map.keys == ["c"]);
234     }
236     /++
237     Returns a dynamic array, the elements of which are the values in the associative array.
238     Doesn't allocate a new copy.
240     Complexity: `O(1)`
241     +/
242     inout(T)[] values()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc inout @property
243     {
244         return implementation ? implementation.values : null;
245     }
247     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
248     ///
249     @safe pure unittest
250     {
251         StringMap!double map;
252         assert(map.values == []);
253         map["c"] = 4.0;
254         assert(map.values == [4.0]);
255         map["a"] = 3.0;
256         assert(map.values == [4.0, 3.0]);
257         map.values[0]++;
258         assert(map.values == [5.0, 3.0]);
259         map.remove("c");
260         assert(map.values == [3.0]);
261         map.remove("a");
262         assert(map.values == []);
263         map["c"] = 4.0;
264         assert(map.values == [4.0]);
265     }
267     /++
268     (Property) Gets the current capacity of an associative array.
269     The capacity is the size that the underlaynig slices can grow to before the underlying arrays may be reallocated or extended.
271     Complexity: `O(1)`
272     +/
273     size_t capacity()() @safe pure nothrow const @property
274     {
275         import mir.utility: min;
277         return !implementation ? 0 : min(
278             implementation.keys.capacity,
279             implementation.values.capacity,
280             implementation.indices.capacity,
281         );
282     }
284     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
285     ///
286     unittest
287     {
288         StringMap!double map;
289         assert(map.capacity == 0);
290         map["c"] = 4.0;
291         assert(map.capacity >= 1);
292         map["a"] = 3.0;
293         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
294         map.remove("c");
295         map.assumeSafeAppend;
296         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
297     }
299     /++
300     Reserves capacity for an associative array. 
301     The capacity is the size that the underlaying slices can grow to before the underlying arrays may be reallocated or extended.
302     +/
303     size_t reserve()(size_t newcapacity) @trusted pure nothrow 
304     {
305         import mir.utility: min;
307         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
308         {
309             implementation = new Impl;
310         }
312         auto keysV = implementation.keys;
313         auto keysVCaacity = keysV.reserve(newcapacity);
314         implementation._keys = keysV.ptr;
316         auto valuesV = implementation.values;
317         auto valuesCapacity = valuesV.reserve(newcapacity);
318         implementation._values = valuesV.ptr;
320         auto indicesV = implementation.indices;
321         auto indicesCapacity = indicesV.reserve(newcapacity);
322         implementation._indices = indicesV.ptr;
324         return min(
325             keysVCaacity,
326             valuesCapacity,
327             indicesCapacity,
328         );
329     }
331     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
332     ///
333     unittest
334     {
335         StringMap!double map;
336         auto capacity = map.reserve(10);
337         assert(capacity >= 10);
338         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
339         map["c"] = 4.0;
340         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
341         map["a"] = 3.0;
342         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
343         assert(map.remove("c"));
344         capacity = map.reserve(20);
345         assert(capacity >= 20);
346         assert(map.capacity == capacity);
347     }
349     /++
350     Assume that it is safe to append to this associative array.
351     Appends made to this associative array after calling this function may append in place, even if the array was a slice of a larger array to begin with.
352     Use this only when it is certain there are no elements in use beyond the associative array in the memory block. If there are, those elements will be overwritten by appending to this associative array.
354     Warning: Calling this function, and then using references to data located after the given associative array results in undefined behavior.
356     Returns: The input is returned.
357     +/
358     ref inout(typeof(this)) assumeSafeAppend()() @system nothrow inout return
359     {
360         if (implementation)
361         {
362             implementation.keys.assumeSafeAppend;
363             implementation.values.assumeSafeAppend;
364             implementation.indices.assumeSafeAppend;
365         }
366         return this;
367     }
369     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
370     ///
371     unittest
372     {
373         StringMap!double map;
374         map["c"] = 4.0;
375         map["a"] = 3.0;
376         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
377         map.remove("c");
378         assert(map.capacity == 0);
379         map.assumeSafeAppend;
380         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
381     }
383     /++
384     Removes all remaining keys and values from an associative array.
386     Complexity: `O(1)`
387     +/
388     void clear()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
389     {
390         if (implementation)
391         {
392             implementation._length = 0;
393             implementation._lengthTable = implementation._lengthTable[0 .. 0];
394         }
396     }
398     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
399     ///
400     unittest
401     {
402         StringMap!double map;
403         map["c"] = 4.0;
404         map["a"] = 3.0;
405         map.clear;
406         assert(map.length == 0);
407         assert(map.capacity == 0);
408         map.assumeSafeAppend;
409         assert(map.capacity >= 2);
410     }
412     /++
413     `remove(key)` does nothing if the given key does not exist and returns false. If the given key does exist, it removes it from the AA and returns true.
415     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (not exist) or `O(n)` (exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
416     +/
417     bool remove()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc
418     {
419         size_t index;
420         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
421         {
422             implementation.removeAt(index);
423             return true;
424         }
425         return false;
426     }
428     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
429     ///
430     unittest
431     {
432         StringMap!double map;
433         map["a"] = 3.0;
434         map["c"] = 4.0;
435         assert(map.remove("c"));
436         assert(!map.remove("c"));
437         assert(map.remove("a"));
438         assert(map.length == 0);
439         assert(map.capacity == 0);
440         assert(map.assumeSafeAppend.capacity >= 2);
441     }
443     /++
444     Finds position of the key in the associative array .
446     Return: An index starting from `0` that corresponds to the key or `-1` if the associative array doesn't contain the key.
448     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
449     +/
450     ptrdiff_t findPos()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const
451     {
452         if (!implementation)
453             return -1;
454         size_t index;
455         if (!implementation.findIndex(key, index))
456             return -1;
457         return implementation._indices[index];
458     }
460     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
461     ///
462     @safe pure unittest
463     {
464         StringMap!double map;
465         map["c"] = 3.0;
466         map["La"] = 4.0;
467         map["a"] = 5.0;
469         assert(map.findPos("C") == -1);
470         assert(map.findPos("c") == 0);
471         assert(map.findPos("La") == 1);
472         assert(map.findPos("a") == 2);
474         map.remove("c");
476         assert(map.findPos("c") == -1);
477         assert(map.findPos("La") == 0);
478         assert(map.findPos("a") == 1);
479     }
481     /++
482     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
483     +/
484     inout(T)* opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(scope const(char)[] key) @system pure nothrow @nogc inout
485     {
486         if (!implementation)
487             return null;
488         size_t index;
489         if (!implementation.findIndex(key, index))
490             return null;
491         assert (index < length);
492         index = implementation.indices[index];
493         assert (index < length);
494         return implementation._values + index;
495     }
497     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
498     ///
499     @system nothrow pure unittest
500     {
501         StringMap!double map;
502         assert(("c" in map) is null);
503         map["c"] = 3.0;
504         assert(*("c" in map) == 3.0);
505     }
507     /++
508     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
509     +/
510     ref inout(T) opIndex()(scope const(char)[] key) @trusted pure inout //@nogc
511     {
512         size_t index;
513         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
514         {
515             assert (index < length);
516             index = implementation._indices[index];
517             assert (index < length);
518             return implementation._values[index];
519         }
520         import mir.exception: MirException;
521         throw new MirException("No member: ", key);
522     }
524     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
525     ///
526     @safe pure unittest
527     {
528         StringMap!double map;
529         map["c"] = 3.0;
530         map["La"] = 4.0;
531         map["a"] = 5.0;
533         map["La"] += 10;
534         assert(map["La"] == 14.0);
535     }
537     /++
538     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (exist) or `O(n)` (not exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
539     +/
540     ref T opIndexAssign(R)(auto ref R value, string key) @trusted pure nothrow
541     {
542         import core.lifetime: forward, move;
543         T v;
544         v = forward!value;
545         return opIndexAssign(move(v), key);
546     }
548     /// ditto
549     ref T opIndexAssign()(T value, string key) @trusted pure nothrow
550     {
551         size_t index;
552         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
553         {
554             implementation = new Impl;
555         }
556         else
557         {
558             if (key.length + 1 < implementation.lengthTable.length)
559             {
560                 if (implementation.findIndex(key, index))
561                 {
562                     assert (index < length);
563                     index = implementation._indices[index];
564                     assert (index < length);
565                     implementation._values[index] = move(value);
566                     return implementation._values[index];
567                 }
568                 assert (index <= length);
569             }
570             else
571             {
572                 index = length;
573             }
574         }
575         assert (index <= length);
576         implementation.insertAt(key, move(value), index);
577         index = implementation._indices[index];
578         return implementation._values[index];
579     }
581     /++
582     Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates and returns defaultValue.
584     Complexity: `O(log(s))`, where `s` is the number of the keys with the same length as the input key.
585     +/
586     inout(T) get()(scope const(char)[] key, lazy inout(T) defaultValue)
587     {
588         size_t index;
589         if (implementation && implementation.findIndex(key, index))
590         {
591             assert (index < length);
592             index = implementation.indices[index];
593             assert (index < length);
594             return implementation.values[index];
595         }
596         return defaultValue;
597     }
599     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
600     ///
601     @safe pure unittest
602     {
603         StringMap!int map;
604         map["c"] = 3;
605         assert(map.get("c", 1) == 3);
606         assert(map.get("C", 1) == 1);
607     }
609     /++
610     Looks up key; if it exists returns corresponding value else evaluates value, adds it to the associative array and returns it.
612     Complexity: `O(log(s))` (exist) or `O(n)` (not exist), where `s` is the count of the strings with the same length as they key.
613     +/
614     ref T require()(string key, lazy T value = T.init)
615     {
616         import std.stdio;
617         size_t index;
618         if (_expect(!implementation, false))
619         {
620             implementation = new Impl;
621         }
622         else
623         {
624             if (key.length + 1 < implementation.lengthTable.length)
625             {
626                 if (implementation.findIndex(key, index))
627                 {
628                     assert (index < length);
629                     index = implementation.indices[index];
630                     assert (index < length);
631                     return implementation.values[index];
632                 }
633                 assert (index <= length);
634             }
635             else
636             {
637                 index = length;
638             }
639         }
640         assert (index <= length);
641         implementation.insertAt(key, value, index);
642         index = implementation.indices[index];
643         return implementation.values[index];
644     }
646     version(mir_test) static if (is(T == int))
647     ///
648     @safe pure unittest
649     {
650         StringMap!int map = ["aa": 1];
651         int add3(ref int x) { x += 3; return x; }
652         assert(add3(map.require("aa", 10)) == 4);
653         assert(add3(map.require("bb", 10)) == 13);
654         assert(map.require("a", 100));
655         assert(map.require("aa") == 4);
656         assert(map.require("bb") == 13);
657         assert(map.keys == ["aa", "bb", "a"]);
658     }
660     /++
661     Converts the associtave array to a common Dlang associative array.
663     Complexity: `O(n)`.
664     +/
665     template toAA()
666     {
667         static if (__traits(compiles, (ref const T a) { T b; b = a;}))
668         {
669             ///
670             T[string] toAA()() const
671             {
672                 T[string] ret;
673                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
674                 {
675                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
676                 }
677                 return ret;
678             }
679         }
680         else
681         {
682             ///
683             T[string] toAA()()
684             {
685                 T[string] ret;
686                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
687                 {
688                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
689                 }
690                 return ret;
691             }
693             ///
694             const(T)[string] toAA()() const
695             {
696                 const(T)[string] ret;
697                 foreach (i; 0 .. length)
698                 {
699                     ret[implementation.keys[i]] = implementation.values[i];
700                 }
701                 return ret;
702             }
703         }
704     }
706     ///
707     @safe pure nothrow unittest
708     {
709         StringMap!int map = ["k": 1];
710         int[string] aa = map.toAA;
711         assert(aa["k"] == 1);
712     }
713 }
715 version(mir_test) 
716 ///
717 unittest
718 {
719     StringMap!int table;
720     table["L"] = 3;
721     table["A"] = 2;
722     table["val"] = 1;
723     assert(table.keys == ["L", "A", "val"]);
724     assert(table.values == [3, 2, 1]);
725     assert(table["A"] == 2);
726     table.values[2] += 10;
727     assert(table["A"] == 2);
728     assert(table["L"] == 3);
729     assert(table["val"] == 11);
730     assert(table.keys == ["L", "A", "val"]);
731     assert(table.values == [3, 2, 11]);
732     table.remove("A");
733     assert(table.keys == ["L", "val"]);
734     assert(table.values == [3, 11]);
735     assert(table["L"] == 3);
736     assert(table["val"] == 11);
738     assert(table == table);
739 }
741 private struct StructImpl(T, U = uint)
742     if (!__traits(hasMember, T, "opPostMove") && __traits(isUnsigned, U))
743 {
744     import core.lifetime: move;
745     import mir.conv: emplaceRef;
747     size_t _length;
748     string* _keys;
749     T* _values;
750     U* _indices;
751     U[] _lengthTable;
753     /++
754     +/
755     this()(string[] keys, T[] values) @trusted pure nothrow
756     {
757         import mir.array.allocation: array;
758         import mir.ndslice.sorting: makeIndex;
759         import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, indexed;
760         import mir.string_table: smallerStringFirst;
762         assert(keys.length == values.length);
763         if (keys.length == 0)
764             return;
765         _length = keys.length;
766         _keys = keys.ptr;
767         _values = values.ptr;
768         _indices = keys.makeIndex!(U, smallerStringFirst).ptr;
769         auto sortedKeys = _keys.indexed(indices);
770         size_t maxKeyLength = sortedKeys[$ - 1].length;
771         _lengthTable = new U[maxKeyLength + 2];
773         size_t ski;
774         foreach (length; 0 .. maxKeyLength + 1)
775         {
776             while(ski < sortedKeys.length && sortedKeys[ski].length == length)
777                 ski++;
778             _lengthTable[length + 1] = cast(U)ski;
779         }
780     }
782     void insertAt()(string key, T value, size_t i) @trusted
783     {
784         pragma(inline, false);
786         assert(i <= length);
787         {
788             auto a = keys;
789             a ~= key;
790             _keys = a.ptr;
791         }
792         {
793             auto a = values;
794             a ~= move(value);
795             _values = a.ptr;
796         }
797         {
798             auto a = indices;
799             a ~= 0;
800             _indices = a.ptr;
802             if (__ctfe)
803             {
804                 foreach_reverse (idx; i .. length)
805                 {
806                     _indices[idx + 1] = _indices[idx];
807                 }
808             }
809             else
810             {
811                 import core.stdc..string: memmove;
812                 memmove(_indices + i + 1, _indices + i, (length - i) * U.sizeof);
813             }
814             assert(length <= U.max);
815             _indices[i] = cast(U)length;
816             _length++;
817         }
818         {
819             if (key.length + 2 <= lengthTable.length)
820             {
821                 ++lengthTable[key.length + 1 .. $];
822             }
823             else
824             {
825                 auto oldLen = _lengthTable.length;
826                 _lengthTable.length = key.length + 2;
827                 auto oldVal = oldLen ? _lengthTable[oldLen - 1] : 0;
828                 _lengthTable[oldLen .. key.length + 1] =  oldVal;
829                 _lengthTable[key.length + 1] =  oldVal + 1;
830             }
831         }
832     }
834     void removeAt()(size_t i)
835     {
836         assert(i < length);
837         auto j = _indices[i];
838         assert(j < length);
839         {
840             --_lengthTable[_keys[j].length + 1 .. $];
841         }
842         {
843             if (__ctfe)
844             {
845                 foreach (idx; i .. length)
846                 {
847                     _indices[idx] = _indices[idx + 1];
848                     _indices[idx] = _indices[idx + 1];
849                 }
850             }
851             else
852             {
853                 import core.stdc..string: memmove;
854                 memmove(_indices + i, _indices + i + 1, (length - 1 - i) * U.sizeof);
855             }
856             foreach (ref elem; indices[0 .. $ - 1])
857                 if (elem > j)
858                     elem--;
859         }
860         {
861             if (__ctfe)
862             {
863                 foreach_reverse (idx; j .. length - 1)
864                 {
865                     _keys[idx] = _keys[idx + 1];
866                     _values[idx] = move(_values[idx + 1]);
867                 }
868             }
869             else
870             {
871                 import core.stdc..string: memmove;
872                 destroy!false(_values[j]);
873                 memmove(_keys + j, _keys + j + 1, (length - 1 - j) * string.sizeof);
874                 memmove(_values + j, _values + j + 1, (length - 1 - j) * T.sizeof);
875                 emplaceRef(_values[length - 1]);
876             }
877         }
878         _length--;
879         _lengthTable = _lengthTable[0 .. length ? _keys[_indices[length - 1]].length + 2 : 0];
880     }
882     size_t length()() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property
883     {
884         return _length;
885     }
887     inout(string)[] keys()() @trusted inout @property
888     {
889         return _keys[0 .. _length];
890     }
892     inout(T)[] values()() @trusted inout @property
893     {
894         return _values[0 .. _length];
895     }
897     inout(U)[] indices()() @trusted inout @property
898     {
899         return _indices[0 .. _length];
900     }
902     inout(U)[] lengthTable()() @trusted inout @property
903     {
904         return _lengthTable;
905     }
907     auto sortedKeys()() @trusted const @property
908     {
909         import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed;
910         return _keys.indexed(indices);
911     }
913     bool findIndex()(scope const(char)[] key, ref size_t index) @trusted pure nothrow @nogc const
914     {
915         import mir.utility: _expect;
916         if (_expect(key.length + 1 < _lengthTable.length, true))
917         {
919             // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
920             // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6   8 9 10    12          16
922             auto low = _lengthTable[key.length] + 0u;
923             auto high = _lengthTable[key.length + 1] + 0u;
924             while (low < high)
925             {
926                 auto mid = (low + high) / 2;
928                 import core.stdc..string: memcmp;
929                 int r = void;
931                 if (__ctfe)
932                     r = __cmp(key, _keys[_indices[mid]]);
933                 else
934                     r = memcmp(key.ptr, _keys[_indices[mid]].ptr, key.length);
936                 if (r == 0)
937                 {
938                     index = mid;
939                     return true;
940                 }
941                 if (r > 0)
942                     low = mid + 1;
943                 else
944                     high = mid;
945             }
946             index = low;
947         }
948         return false;
949     }
950 }
952 version(mir_test)
953 unittest
954 {
955     import mir.algebraic_alias.json: JsonAlgebraic;
956     import mir.string_map: StringMap;
958     StringMap!JsonAlgebraic token;
959     token[`access_token`] = "secret-data";
960     token[`expires_in`] = 3599;
961     token[`token_type`] = "Bearer";
963     assert(token[`access_token`] == "secret-data");
964     assert(token[`expires_in`] == 3599);
965     assert(token[`token_type`] == "Bearer"); // mir/string_map.d(511): No member: token_type
967     const tkType = `token_type` in token;
969     assert((*tkType) == "Bearer"); // *tkType contains value 3599
970 }